better waypoint (voice)guiding

Started by OruxUser197, June 29, 2024, 03:20:06 PM

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in my opinion the direct waypoint navigation could be significant better. I will describe my proposal by the following usecases and requirements:
           • am
                   ○ in unknown area, no roads, no paths
                   ○ on bike
           • always see a  compass
           • am planning a target by defining a point
           • don't want look to the mobile display. I leave my smartphone in my pocket because
                   ○ its rainy, gloves on hands
                   ○ im on bike
                   ○ i must be concentrated to traffic with both hands at steer
                   ○ ...
   i wish to be guided to this target point by voice
           • with informations  in detail:
                   ○ name + optional text
                   ○ distance
                   ○ direction
                   ○ high difference
                   ... until
                           § i am close enough. I expect an Info like "you have arrived Point X. It`s closer than Y meters ... configured by yourself"
                           § i discard the guiding
   in OruxMaps v10.6.3 gp
           • waypoint (approach)alarm by voice informs me only to distance and optional the name.
           This is not useful enough. I want arrive the point, not only know how far it is (in best case).
           • waypoint alarm by voice stops
                   ○ after the predefined number of informations
                   ○ if the distance will become greater
expands usecase1:
   i am planning a route by (using the route-planning-tool without autorouting by direct lines) defining some ordered points
   i wish to be guided by voice
           • point by point in there defined order
           • with informations to the next AND his following point.
                   ○ to decide my moving direction for the next steps. the last point of chain is nearly usless for this.
                   ○ see information details  of usecase1
           • point1 should be additionally announced as "start of route"
           • last point should be additionally announced as  "end of route"
   currently in OruxMaps v10.6.3 gp
           • the points by route-planning-tool all named "waypoint" without an ordering number. I cant distinguish between them.
           • the option "last waypoint" results always in voice information about the next WP = 2 times the same info
requirement   configurable options for voice guiding announcments for points
           • name
           • distance
                   ○  in Km
                   ○ < 1Km in meter ansagen
                   ○ max precision ( e.g. 10 m)
           • direction  in degree (0..360)
                   ○ max precision ( e.g. 1 degree)
           • high difference (in positiv | negativ meters)
   ... like the visual display while target navigation
requirement   clarify between direct target navigation to
           • only 1 point
           • a list of points (ordered chain of points)
requirement   enhance optional announcment of the next and the following point
requirement   voice alarms for approaching a point until reaching or skip target
requirement   the route-planning-tool by direct lines auto assiggns ordering numbers to the point
requirement   enable redefining list of points for navigation
           • add /delete points
           • change their order
           • change further informations
           • auto reassign the ordering numbers
           • while active navigation
requirement   configuration direct editing a xml oder json file

thanks for your intresting


Hello!! Interesting proposals, regarding voice announcements, perhaps what you mention could be incorporated in a similar way to track/route voice announcements, in TTS announcements it is an opinion. Regarding the last points, if I understood you correctly, there are things that the app already does. -Reorder waypoints. Once waypoint navigation has started you go to the on-board computer and on the waypoint navigation screen you can sort the waypoints by dragging them into place. For the new order to take effect, you must restart the navigation. There is another navigation screen that has a data panel and buttons to move forward or backward from waypoints. -Add or delete, this can also be done on the fly, only to delete you have to stop browsing. Greetings


Thinking about voice prompts for waypoint navigation, in my case I would find it useful to use a clockwise based orientation,
A "military" guy who periodically indicated the direction to the waypoint.
Example: 100 meters at 11 ., 50 meters at 10
It would be a practical way to mentally orient myself in space.