? How to shorten a route?

Started by paoloianes, July 22, 2024, 08:25:09 PM

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I know that it is possible to edit a route by loading the route; clicking on the start (or end) of the route; then choose edit; then you can only choose between the options: "extend with a new search" or "extend manually".
I ask if it is also possible to shorten a route, as you can do with a track (you can circle by hand the final stretch you want to cut and delete it).
Thanks in advance for the reply!


Well, as you say, you just have to take the route to the track manager, press the start/end icon.Press the diskette 💾 (Save) choose database And now you can edit in track properties


THE PROBLEM is that you can only change the route by lengthening it and not by shortening it. That is, while it is possible to lengthen the route by adding new sections, it is not equally possible to cut away pieces if you want to shorten the route.Or, at least, I haven't figured out how to do it.


It is not possible from the map viewer, you can only edit the route (cut in this case) from the track manager, in track properties, edit tracks.


Thanks Tronpo for the reply!
It's a real shame because sometimes it happens that you have built a long route which then seems to be too long and you would like to shorten it.
Or it happens that you download a route from some site which turns out to be too long for your use and you want to shorten it. In both of these cases I don't think it's possible to load a route as if it were a track, then shorten it and finally save it as a route.
However, Oruxmaps is still my best tracking app!


This is the closest thing to what you are looking for