New beta 10.7.x

Started by orux, August 09, 2024, 09:21:39 AM

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i'd like to attach a video of 5 MB, but attachment size is limited to 500 KB ??? .... are there any settings on forum, since video with reduced size is unwatchable. i'd like to post strange behavior of side menu.


Quote from: kkolesar on August 14, 2024, 12:46:02 AMi'd like to attach a video of 5 MB, but attachment size is limited to 500 KB ??? .... are there any settings on forum, since video with reduced size is unwatchable. i'd like to post strange behavior of side menu.
You can upload the video to YouTube and then paste the link here, above you have a YouTube icon when you click you can put the link and the video is embedded in the post.
You can also upload the video to drive and paste the link here.
Best regards 



thank you for additional explanation.

some strange behavior on side menu ... checked item become unchecked when sliding menu



Quote from: kkolesar on August 14, 2024, 10:41:42 PM@Tronpo

thank you for additional explanation.

some strange behavior on side menu ... checked item become unchecked when sliding menu


Well, yes, it happens to me too. I don't use this interface but I checked it.
Best regards



Autozoom is a very nice feature

But could not find the side button to swich it on/of, our did I misunderstand?


Quote from: Stefanand on August 16, 2024, 11:13:01 AMHi,

Autozoom is a very nice feature

But could not find the side button to swich it on/of, our did I misunderstand?

you should enable Maps in left side menu (click on pen at the top)


Quote from: kkolesar on August 16, 2024, 04:25:32 PMyou should enable Maps in left side menu (click on pen at the top)

Yes sure I am using this feature, but I thought there is a "button" which can be added to the side panel like the one for the user defined zoomlevel


Yes, I also thought that there was a button to activate the automatic zoom, when I read in the description of the beta "two new buttons" maybe it stayed in draft and in the next beta it will be.


the latest GP version or new beta, does it has a max number to support user saved locations (favorites) ?

if the answer is NO and we have over 500 or 1000 saved places, will the app start to slow in use ?

can we have the ability to backup / restore those location and export them at txt files ? can we can transfer them from web route planners ? from other android apps ?



In my case, to reduce the search or saturation of waypoints in the managers, what I do is export the waypoints in a file (kml ,gpx ,kmz) with a certain group of waypoints.
I store these files on Android and keep the app's database cleaner and lighter, when I need to work with a certain group of waypoints I just have to upload the corresponding file to the database


Quote from: orux on August 09, 2024, 09:21:39 AM
  • Improvements to geocache management
Hello orux !! Regarding geocaching improvements
I think oruxmaps is only reading one of the two attributes of the descriptions in the gpx.
If you read
groundspeak:long_description html=
But he doesn't read
This causes missing information in some caches, I think this is the problem.

Personally, I think that the left-aligned text would be better in the cache information

Best regards!!


New beta, new stuff added, we'll be making the climber segments more functional; they're still in a bit of an experimental phase....



Buenos días Orux:

Muchas gracias por estas mejoras.

Me gusta lo de la gráfica del escalador pero, creo que  no va a quedar espacio para ver el mapa y poder seguir la ruta. Por ejemplo, si el segmento de escalador, incluye un cruce donde vas a llegar,  y no vas a saber para donde tirar, para derecha, izquierda, recto, etc., por que no estas viendo el mapa. No sé, quizás, si reduciéndola un poco, quitándole el titulo de "segmento del escalador" y que quedara más espacio para el  mapa. U otra solución?



Quote from: orux on August 29, 2024, 06:58:28 AMNew beta, new stuff added, we'll be making the climber segments more functional; they're still in a bit of an experimental phase....


This is taking on a good look, in reference to what was commented by the colleague I also think that the space occupied by the graphic could be optimized.

In my opinion, the fields of the boxes 🟥🟨 They are not necessary to see them.
An adjustment to the placement of the segment graph on the scorecard .
And maybe "not dim" the rest of the screen to continue taking advantage of the information that the dashboard gives us and what can be seen from the map.

Very good tool the proximity radar.

Thank you!!


Lo que apunta el compañero sobre no oscurecer la información que da el  cuadro de mandos, es fundamental, ya que por ejemplo hay datos como las pulsaciones, que son necesarios. Ya que al afrontar el segmento del escalador, a la vez que ir  viendo lo que falta para completarlo y en función de ellas (pulsaciones), bajar o subir el ritmo. Otro, sería la velocidad que se lleva.
