New beta 11.x

Started by orux, November 20, 2024, 07:14:40 AM

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It's time for a new test, but be careful, this version has an important change, read before installing!

Google Play has become very restrictive with the 'access to all files' permission. It has not allowed me to update to version 11.0 of the app without removing that permission.

This implies important changes in file management, for those who used the public folders (the root directory of the internal storage or SD).

Now the app has to use the private folders again, the files used by the app cannot be shared with other apps/versions. Now the app uses the folder in Android/media/com.oruxmaps... The advantage of this folder is that it is visible to any file manager, which was not the case with the Android/data/ folder.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. At the moment that permission can be kept by the version of the app that is on Amazon, which is more tolerant, it has not put up any obstacles to uploading the update to version 11 of the app.

For those of you who have a lot of maps, and want to try this beta, I recommend NOT migrating the mapfiles/ folder and then, after the migration, from settings > app storage > import resources, copy some of the maps, to test.

Sorry about the problem, but those are Google Play rules...


Es hora de una nueva prueba, pero atención, esta versión tiene un cambio importante, leer antes de instalar!

Google Play se ha puesto muy restrictivo con el permiso 'acceso a todos los ficheros'. No me ha permitido actualizar a la versión 11 .0 de la app sin eliminar ese permiso.

Esto implica importantes cambios en la gestión de ficheros, para aquellos que usaban las carpetas públicas (el directorio raíz del almacenamiento interno o SD).

Ahora la app tiene que volver a usar las carpetas privadas, los ficheros que use la app no pueden estar compartidos con otras apps/versiones. Ahora la app usa la carpeta en Android/media/com.oruxmaps... La ventaja de esta carpeta es que es visible para cualquier gestor de ficheros, lo que no ocurría con la carpeta Android/data/

Siento el inconveniente. De momento ese permiso lo puede mantener la versión de la app que está en Amazon, que es mas tolerante, no ha puesto impedimentos a subir la actualización a la versión 11 de la app.

Para aquellos que tenéis muchos mapas, y queréis probar esta beta, recomiendo NO migrar la carpeta mapfiles/ y luego, después de la migración, desde configuración > almacenamiento app > importar recursos, copiar alguno de los mapas, para probar.

Ya siento el problema, pero Google Play es así...

-->New storage restrictions. Migration to /Android/media/ folders
-->Updated SDK to 35 level, some changes in UI, themes,..

-->Brouter. You should now be able to use brouter profiles in their own folders (the app asks for permission to access files in the brouter folder)
-->Brouter profiles. You should now be able to set profiles (if they have settings)
-->Maps outside of app folders. It is now possible to have some types of maps (mapsforge .map and .pdf) outside of app folders, for example by leaving them in the root of internal storage/oruxmaps. From the app's maps list, '+' button, first option, you give the app permission to access that folder and that's it. To remove that permission, from the maps list, three dots > Remove folder permissions.
-->other minor improvements.

-->solved some issues with vtm viewer
-->mapsforge .zip themes can be stored outside private app folders. Give the app permission to access themes folders in map list display '+' button

-->solved some issues with migration and Strava login.

-->solved some issues.

-->solved some issues.

-->solved some issues.

-->solved some issues with image to map (map calibration from a image).

-->solved some issues with maps list.

Please, report problems during the migration process! It is important for testing purpose, install this beta with the previous beta installed, to test the migration.



Hola Orux!! Después de aceptar la mala noticia , te informo , realice 6 pruebas de actualización de la beta anterior a la nueva para verificar la migración .
Las tres primeras hubo problemas , error humano , una vez solventandos(mal direccionamiento de directorios , permisos mal concedido )la app realizó la migración con éxito 20gb , varios formatos de mapas y temas Mapsforge comprimidos y sin comprir , todo ok .

Solo encontré un problema no solucionable.
 Si antes de la migración beta antigua , la app tiene configurada como carpeta secundaria de mapas un directorio de la targeta SD.
Cuando hacemos la actualización y damos el permiso y se inicia el proceso , se interrumpe y sale esta pantalla .

Aquí entramos en un bucle , por mucho que demos el permiso a la carpeta de la targeta sale el cartel mil veces , si salimos sin dar el permiso la app entra en un bucle interminable con la venta de movíendo archivos , pero en esta o acción no avanza ni sale información del porcentaje del proceso.

Tengo algunos videos más tarde los preparo y te los mando por privado .
Saludos !!

Edito:  en la migración las imágenes georreferenciadas no se mueven ,se mueve la carpeta con el archivo xml , pero la imagen no , en mi caso jpg


Añado que sería importante informar al usuario que en la migración los archivos no se mueven , se copian , esto quiere decir que el usuario necesita el mismo espacio de memoria libre como minimo que el espacio que tiene los archivos de OruxMaps para poder ejecutar el proceso .

Se tiene 20 GB en OruxMaps , necesita 20gb libres  así de simple .
No todo el mundo tiene tanto espacio disponible .



Hello Orux,
it is really annoying that Google's restrictions again and again cause problems for users and developers. So first of all I thank you for struggling with these inconveniences in order to provide this great app.

Now my first impressions (of course with the first problems):

The migration to the media folder worked well. I support Tronpo's suggestion to inform the users that the files are copied and not moved.

With bRouter I found two issues:
  • OM isn't able to load the updates ('Error, OruxMaps can't write in that directory!') - which should be a logical consequence of not beeing able to use other folders.
  • The route planner doesn't show all brouter profiles - probably the same reason.

And another problem with the path to the legends:
I collected all my legends in a folder called 'legends' in the OM folder. Now I moved this folder to the private folder but in OM I can only choose files within the mapfiles or mapstyles folder and not navigate to my legends folder.

Best regards


Quote from: Lenz on November 20, 2024, 05:58:46 PMHello Orux,
it is really annoying that Google's restrictions again and again cause problems for users and developers. So first of all I thank you for struggling with these inconveniences in order to provide this great app.

Now my first impressions (of course with the first problems):

The migration to the media folder worked well. I support Tronpo's suggestion to inform the users that the files are copied and not moved.

With bRouter I found two issues:
  • OM isn't able to load the updates ('Error, OruxMaps can't write in that directory!') - which should be a logical consequence of not beeing able to use other folders.
  • The route planner doesn't show all brouter profiles - probably the same reason.

And another problem with the path to the legends:
I collected all my legends in a folder called 'legends' in the OM folder. Now I moved this folder to the private folder but in OM I can only choose files within the mapfiles or mapstyles folder and not navigate to my legends folder.

Best regards
Hi Martin, brouter errors have easy solution, orux has much of the work done, only the last big step remains, the total integration of brouter in OruxMaps !! Grapphhoper offline is no longer there, it has the slot available and our beloved planner does not have to miss these wonderful advances that you have commented on.

Put your "legend " folder in the maptyles folder on Android media, and you're good to browse



Quote from: Tronpo on November 20, 2024, 03:28:20 PMAñado que sería importante informar al usuario que en la migración los archivos no se mueven , se copian , esto quiere decir que el usuario necesita el mismo espacio de memoria libre como minimo que el espacio que tiene los archivos de OruxMaps para poder ejecutar el proceso .

Se tiene 20 GB en OruxMaps , necesita 20gb libres  así de simple .
No todo el mundo tiene tanto espacio disponible .

Hello again, after other tests with a second terminal, I have realized that the app already contemplates the necessary space for migration, if there is no space it informs about it and does not allow migration.
Also at the end of the migration, the app informs that the original files still exist, in this way to be able to check that nothing is missing and if it is missing move it later.

Best regards


Quote from: Tronpo on November 20, 2024, 09:20:37 PMHi Martin, brouter errors have easy solution, orux has much of the work done, only the last big step remains, the total integration of brouter in OruxMaps !! Grapphhoper offline is no longer there, it has the slot available and our beloved planner does not have to miss these wonderful advances that you have commented on.

Put your "legend " folder in the maptyles folder on Android media, and you're good to browse


Hi Tronpo,
thanks for your quick reply.
I'm looking forward to the full brouter integration.

I've already copied my (now) two legends folders into the mapstyles/mapfiles directory. I've just reported the behavior of OM not being able to browse other folders within android/media/com.orux.oruxmapsbeta in search of legends. I think this should be possible even with Google's restrictions. (Background: I used to have one folder for both 'theme legends' for vector maps and 'map legends' for raster maps.)

Best regards


Quote from: Lenz on November 22, 2024, 03:48:47 PMHi Tronpo,
thanks for your quick reply.
I'm looking forward to the full brouter integration.

Best regards

I have put this in my letter to the Magicians


    Hi, test using new beta2:
    • Maps outside app folders: ok. Now my Beta can use maps mapsforge shared with OM GP!
    • It would be beautiful if it were possible to have sharing also on dem/traces/mapstyles...
    • Brouter profiles correctly migrated/copied in their inner own folder and now OM Beta can use them.ok
    • Legend Maps (pdf) copied in mapstyles inner folder and OM Beta puts them  with:  maps - maps tweaks - manage theme legends. Then I can visualize map theme with: map - legend. However using: map - manage maps legend I can only put exposure, but not inclination map  and then I cannot visualize them 


Hello point 3, I clarify, brouter profiles are not copied to the OruxMaps/brouter folder, they are used directly from the brouter folder.
Can you update the brouter database from the OruxMaps/track/brouter settings?
Point 4 I don't quite understand what is happening to you.
I understand that you are talking about the pdf legends of the Mapsforge themes, right?


Buenos días Orux:

Tengo un Oppo A10 con Android 13.1, he actualizado a la nueva beta 11.0.0 beta 2 desde la beta 11.0..0 Beta 1, (la anterior a esta) la primera que se colgó. Ahora no puedo acceder a todos los perfiles de Brouter, desde la aplicación.

Cuando pulso el botón del enrutador, no me salta como a otros usuarios que he visto, el mensaje de para dar permiso a la aplicación para acceder a la carpeta de Brouter y así poder usar todos los perfiles.



Quote from: Tronpo on November 25, 2024, 09:12:23 AMHello point 3...Can you update the brouter database from the OruxMaps/track/brouter settings?
No, I cannot.

Point 4 I don't quite understand what is happening to you.
I understand that you are talking about the pdf legends of the Mapsforge themes, right?
Not Mapsforge themes pdf, but Manage Map legend (1.jpg) I get aspect map (2.jpg) but not inclination map (and others DEM maps that I use)  and then I cannot visualize them 


Quote from: ut on November 26, 2024, 04:25:50 PMNot Mapsforge themes pdf, but Manage Map legend (1.jpg) I get aspect map (2.jpg) but not inclination map (and others DEM maps that I use)  and then I cannot visualize them 
Ok, as you say (screenshot 2) that window is to assign the route that corresponds to each map and its legend, either by browsing to the pdf file corresponding to the legend or the url.If you already had this done before the migration, even though the files have migrated, the address of the file location no longer corresponds as it is now in another location (Android media).I have never seen in that window the maps of shading, slopes...Rather, I'm not sure about it.The offline maps don't appear in the list of offline maps? Have you configured them to be created? I can use them without problems.


Hello @Orux There is no option to update mapsforge topic list in the legacy interface, in the unified interface it appears.The new theme settings screen is much better than the old one, definitely more information.


Actualice a esta beta pero no me copia el mapa que yo venia usando, un España de 20 gigas, espacio tengo, pero no lo copia o no funciona, no tengo claro cual es el problema.