New beta 11.x

Started by orux, November 20, 2024, 07:14:40 AM

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The new beta seems to work great and I have no problems with the files being stored in the media folder.

However I have a small problem with uploading tracks to Strava which I also noticed on the previous beta I was using (10.7) - it doesn't matter what track type I select when uploading, in Strava it always appears as a "workout" instead of e.g. ride or run.


Quote from: pikimin_tom on December 21, 2024, 09:52:39 AMHi,

The new beta seems to work great and I have no problems with the files being stored in the media folder.

However I have a small problem with uploading tracks to Strava which I also noticed on the previous beta I was using (10.7) - it doesn't matter what track type I select when uploading, in Strava it always appears as a "workout" instead of e.g. ride or run.
Hello check the integration settings, strava, there are you can configure what type of activity is the one that is uploaded by default
Also tell you that in strava it takes a while to show the type of activity received from OruxMaps, if you look just when the activity from OruxMaps has been uploaded to strava it is very possible that it always puts training, but after a few minutes for example 10, this is already updated and puts the correct activity, this has been happening for a long time,  I have checked it out
Best regards


Quote from: Tronpo on December 21, 2024, 01:07:25 PMHello check the integration settings, strava, there are you can configure what type of activity is the one that is uploaded by default
Also tell you that in strava it takes a while to show the type of activity received from OruxMaps, if you look just when the activity from OruxMaps has been uploaded to strava it is very possible that it always puts training, but after a few minutes for example 10, this is already updated and puts the correct activity, this has been happening for a long time,  I have checked it out
Best regards

Thanks for the help, but I don't think this is the issue. After more than half an hour the activity type is still "workout". The default activity in my Strava settings is set to "cycling" which is what I'm trying to upload.

In any case, I've just tried uploading an activity using an old version of Oruxmaps (v7.4.23) and the activity type is immediately set correctly, so it looks like it's a regression in recent versions of Oruxmaps.

Also, I tried revoking Oruxmap's permissions to access Strava from the Strava settings so I could re-link Orux to Strava to see if that made a difference. However it wouldn't even re-link. I successfully authenticated with Strava and was able to press the "Authorize" button to link my Strava account, there was no error message but Oruxmaps doesn't show as an app in my Strava settings and uploads from Oruxmaps fail. It seems that Strava integration is broken in this version.


Quote from: pikimin_tom on December 22, 2024, 06:45:35 PMThanks for the help, but I don't think this is the issue. After more than half an hour the activity type is still "workout". The default activity in my Strava settings is set to "cycling" which is what I'm trying to upload.

In any case, I've just tried uploading an activity using an old version of Oruxmaps (v7.4.23) and the activity type is immediately set correctly, so it looks like it's a regression in recent versions of Oruxmaps.

Also, I tried revoking Oruxmap's permissions to access Strava from the Strava settings so I could re-link Orux to Strava to see if that made a difference. However it wouldn't even re-link. I successfully authenticated with Strava and was able to press the "Authorize" button to link my Strava account, there was no error message but Oruxmaps doesn't show as an app in my Strava settings and uploads from Oruxmaps fail. It seems that Strava integration is broken in this version.

Hello, I have just done several tests with the beta5 version.
Login on strava : ok
Upload activities to strava:ok
As I said before, in the first instance the activity appears as training, a few minutes later the type of activity is already updated correctly.

As a novelty or anomaly I notice that I can upload an already existing activity on strava, this was not possible previously.
Best regards.


Question: I have version 10.7.4 GP installed on an Asus Rog 5s Android 13 device and a Motorola G85 5g android 14, I have over 30 gigabytes of maps and data, could I direct the GP version to read in the same folder as the Beta version so as to always have a single archive without duplicates? Can I create a mess? I ask because it happened to me in the beta 10 version, opening a map, after a few seconds the map was deleted leaving only the xml file and deleting the db and db.journal files. Thanks.


Hello Mandrake70,
you can change the paths of your GP version in 'global settings' - 'app storage' so that they point to the equivalent folders in 'android/media/com.orux.oruxmapsbeta/oruxmaps'. Be sure you granted OM GP access to all files.
I have been using the same data resources for both GP and beta for a long time without any problems but I made backups of important data regularely. If you have already experienced data loss it's even more important to backup.

Sad but true: with the release of OM 11 GP the posibility described above will be history due to Google's Play Store policy.

Best regards & a happy new year to Orux, his supporters and all OM users


Quote from: Tronpo on December 23, 2024, 07:20:47 AMHello, I have just done several tests with the beta5 version.
Login on strava : ok

Hi, Thanks for trying this. I've done some more testing and I've managed to get it to work. I think the issue was that I hadn't reconnected with Strava since installing the new beta and somehow it was using the Strava authorisation from my old v7.4.23, the permissions it askes for are different which might explain why it didn't set the activity type properly, unfortunately I can't replicate the issue, but it's not such a big problem.

The other issue I had about not being able to authorise with Strava is real, it just depends how I try to authorise. If I go to Global Settings -> Integration -> Strava -> Login then it works as expected. If I revoke the authorisation and go to Tracks -> Properties -> Upload to -> Strava -> Connect with Strava then I get to the Strava login page, but when I press "Authorize" it just goes back to the upload GPX window. If I press "Upload GPX" then it just shows the Strava authorisation page again, but it doesn't matter how many times I press it, it never connects.


Quote from: pikimin_tom on December 31, 2024, 12:54:42 PMThe other issue I had about not being able to authorise with Strava is real, it just depends how I try to authorise. If I go to Global Settings -> Integration -> Strava -> Login then it works as expected. If I revoke the authorisation and go to Tracks -> Properties -> Upload to -> Strava -> Connect with Strava then I get to the Strava login page, but when I press "Authorize" it just goes back to the upload GPX window. If I press "Upload GPX" then it just shows the Strava authorisation page again, but it doesn't matter how many times I press it, it never connects.

Right the same thing happens to me in this beta too.
Another curiosity, without being logged in strava, from the track manager, the three lines (hamburger menu)
If you click on view activities on strava, you log in directly without authorizing strava


Quote from: Lenz on December 30, 2024, 12:10:36 AMHello Mandrake70,
you can change the paths of your GP version in 'global settings' - 'app storage' so that they point to the equivalent folders in 'android/media/com.orux.oruxmapsbeta/oruxmaps'. Be sure you granted OM GP access to all files.
I have been using the same data resources for both GP and beta for a long time without any problems but I made backups of important data regularely. If you have already experienced data loss it's even more important to backup.

Sad but true: with the release of OM 11 GP the posibility described above will be history due to Google's Play Store policy.

Best regards & a happy new year to Orux, his supporters and all OM users
Ok Lenz, many many thaks, i will try, Best regards & a happy new year.


Hola, soy nuevo: saludos a todos.

Reporto algo con lo que me he topado en la 10.8.0 Beta. En ruta, cuando pierdo cobertura, no toma los mapas de caché. Para forzarle a hacerlo debo desconectar los datos, o usar la opción Mapas -> "Bloquear descargas". Lo malo es que tampoco puedo tocar opciones y hacer pruebas porque no puedo simular que me quedo sin cobertura.

Bueno, ya me diréis si tenéis constancia de este comportamiento.

Ah, perdón, otra cosa: cuando quiero descargar la parte del mapa que incluye la ruta para uso sin conexión, entre los mapas listados no aparece OSM mapnik, que es uno de los muchos incluidos en el "onlinemapsources.xml" por defecto (Mapas Online -> Capas -> World -> OSM Mapnik). Raro, no?



Problems / changes I've noticed since going to Oruxmaps v11.0.0beta8 from v10.8.0beta3.

1.  When I switched from version v10.8.0beta3 to version v11.0.0beta8 on my Samsung Galaxy Note 9 phone, I now get the following pop up message box when initializing the Orumxmaps app services..., "Please 'Reset map list' in the map selector view to see a report".

2.  I have a lot of maps (42) in my OFFLINE "mapfiles" folder and in one of my sub-folders for OFFLINE maps (Mapsforge Maps) all (16) of my Mapforge maps now do not list all of the map file name for each particular Mapforge map file.  Some file names now only list the first letter of the map file name and some may show all but the last few letters of the map file name. An example of what I am talking about is my "", Mapforge Street Map, now only appears with the name as "A mapforge" instead of "AZ_NM mapforge" in the Offline maps folder.  The same file name change has happened to all 16 of my Mapforge maps to varying degrees.

3. Two of my Mapforge maps ( no longer appear in the Offline maps when I select "Switch map", but they do show to be in the Mapfiles folder when using a File manager app to view all of the maps in the Mapfiles folder in Oruxmaps.

4.  One other error message I now get is:, "Problems with some maps:  /storage/emulated/0/oruxmaps/mapfiles/OziExplorer     Maps/>String index out of range:-2".   What does this, " String index out of range:-2" error message mean and how to correct it?

Any recommendations to correct these 4 above items, or does this seem to be a glitch with the new beta 11 version of Oruxmaps?  Thank you.


Buenas tardes,

11.0.0 beta9

Parece que algo no va bien cuando muestra la cuadrícula, al menos en lo que a la latitud se refiere. Parece que insiste en mostrar UTM? Tengo seleccionado mostrar geográficas y no he cambiado el datum que viene por defecto (WGS84).

Por lo demás, al mostrar la cuadrícula UTM, junto al icono debería indicar la zona (las UTM no son absolutas).

Un saludo,


Son restricciones de la URL para no sobrecargar los servidores de osm, puedes añadir otros mapas basados en osm o con estilo similar ( y descargar la zona que quieras.


Puedes describir mejor el problema?
Cuando selecciona Unidades - Formato de Coordenadas - Geográficas, está configuración se aplica al cuadro de mandos pero no a la cuadricula de coordenadas.
OruxMaps muestra de forma predeterminada 2 cuadrículas= Cuadrícula Cartesiana y Cuadrícula UTM con la posibilidad de configurar o añadir más.
Cuando seleccionas "Mostrar Cuadrícula" sin haber seleccionado o configurado una nueva en Cuadrícula Personalizada veras en pantalla la Cuadricula Cartesiana. Esta tiene su origen en x=0,y=0 (lon/lat=0,0) y los números en los ejes x,y representan la distancia en metros al eje 0,0, la menor medida para esta Cuadrícula Cartesiana son recuadros de 100x100 MTS.
X= Posición horizontal o longitud
Y= Posición vertical o latitud
Esto puede causar confusión si uno está acostumbrado a las coordenadas geográficas donde generalmente se usa el esquema geo:lat,lon donde y va primero que x.
En resumidas cuentas si tienes la cuadricula Cartesiana activada y estás sobre el eje=
X=  -595.000
Y= 4.315.700
Significa que estás ubicado 595000 mts (595 kms) al oeste del eje X y 4315700 mts (4315.7 kms) al norte del eje Y.
Este punto equivale a las coordenadas (lat,lon) 36.109,-5.344  cerca al faro Europa Point Trinity en Gibraltar.
P.D. Se debe tener en cuenta primordialmente que es una cuadrícula métrica y no sexagesimal, cuadrícula que esperamos se añada en algún momento a OruxMaps.


Quote from: afgb1977 on January 22, 2025, 07:09:58 PMPuedes describir mejor el problema?
Cuando selecciona Unidades - Formato de Coordenadas - Geográficas, está configuración se aplica al cuadro de mandos pero no a la cuadricula de coordenadas.
OruxMaps muestra de forma predeterminada 2 cuadrículas= Cuadrícula Cartesiana y Cuadrícula UTM con la posibilidad de configurar o añadir más.
Cuando seleccionas "Mostrar Cuadrícula" sin haber seleccionado o configurado una nueva en Cuadrícula Personalizada veras en pantalla la Cuadricula Cartesiana. Esta tiene su origen en x=0,y=0 (lon/lat=0,0) y los números en los ejes x,y representan la distancia en metros al eje 0,0, la menor medida para esta Cuadrícula Cartesiana son recuadros de 100x100 MTS.
X= Posición horizontal o longitud
Y= Posición vertical o latitud
Esto puede causar confusión si uno está acostumbrado a las coordenadas geográficas donde generalmente se usa el esquema geo:lat,lon donde y va primero que x.
En resumidas cuentas si tienes la cuadricula Cartesiana activada y estás sobre el eje=
X=  -595.000
Y= 4.315.700
Significa que estás ubicado 595000 mts (595 kms) al oeste del eje X y 4315700 mts (4315.7 kms) al norte del eje Y.
Este punto equivale a las coordenadas (lat,lon) 36.109,-5.344  cerca al faro Europa Point Trinity en Gibraltar.
P.D. Se debe tener en cuenta primordialmente que es una cuadrícula métrica y no sexagesimal, cuadrícula que esperamos se añada en algún momento a OruxMaps.

Gracias por la respuesta, tan detallada. Hasta donde sé, esa cuadrícula no es muy habitual, se trata de una particularidad de Orux?. En mi opinión es sumamente confusa y una cuadrícula latitud, longitud sería de mucha más utilidad. En cualquier caso, todo eso que has expuesto, viene documentado en algún sitio?, así podré mirar la próxima vez antes de notificar como bug algo que no lo es.

Con respecto a la cuadrícula UTM, debería indicarse la zona para que la información esté completa y pueda interpretarse correctamente.

Gracias y un saludo.

#[Actualización]: He aprendido cómo añadir todo lo necesario al cuadro de mandos. Sigo opinando igual de esa cuadrícula cartesiana, pero, al menos, ya sé como tener siempre a la vista tanto las coordenadas geográficas, como la info que echaba en falta al activar la cuadrícula UTM. Perfecto! Saludos.