new beta 7.1.7betaX [closed]

Started by orux, July 14, 2017, 09:08:03 PM

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My Nexus 5X only has internal storage.

Actually with 7.1.2 and Android 8.0.0. (oreo)

I only get a Track-Points when the display is active with Orux 7.1.2.

I don't remember this problem with any 7.1.2 RC , and I am pretty sure it started with the update to Android 8.0 and API 26

Android Documentation talks about">Background Location limits

I'll try the 7.1.3 next week.


Quote from: "Tobias"Hello,

My Nexus 5X only has internal storage.

Actually with 7.1.2 and Android 8.0.0. (oreo)

I only get a Track-Points when the display is active with Orux 7.1.2.

I don't remember this problem with any 7.1.2 RC , and I am pretty sure it started with the update to Android 8.0 and API 26

Android Documentation talks about">Background Location limits

I'll try the 7.1.3 next week.


oruxmaps 7.1.3 uses a foreground service to avoid that new android 'feature'



Quote from: "orux"

you don't see the DEM files because the browser is configured as a folder selector, then the files are not displayed.


Hello Orux

You'd written this sometimes in the past, but it seems to be a source of misunderstandigs. Why don't you use a filebrowser instead of folderbrowser, the first one everybody knows by using windows/MacOs/Linux etc?

Regards, Joska


the configure of distance rings colours may be useful in the future

(I couldn't see it at first sight - with my old eyes..)


Quote from: "Joska"
Quote from: "orux"

you don't see the DEM files because the browser is configured as a folder selector, then the files are not displayed.


Hello Orux

You'd written this sometimes in the past, but it seems to be a source of misunderstandigs. Why don't you use a filebrowser instead of folderbrowser, the first one everybody knows by using windows/MacOs/Linux etc?

Regards, Joska


there is a new beta update.

it is how that library works; I will see if I can change that behaviour.



Quote from: "orux"Hello,

a new beta:">//


->some bugs corrections.


->Added concentric circles in the GPS cursor and the destination Wpt, to indicate distances. Active by default in the beta, for testing, will be disabled by default in the final version.

->some bugs corrections.


->new system to keep alive the app and avoid Doze.

->capture url links to .gpx/.kml/.kmz files. The app offers itself to dowload that files to oruxmaps/tracklogs/ folder.

->solved bug with TMG line using some maps.


Al intentar subir track al server de orux da error 36: sin permisos


Hola, he actualizado a 7.1.3beta3 y no me deja autorizar a escribir en la sd, da un error, no me había pasado hasta ahora. La beta 1 y 2 me las he saltado.

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


Quote from: "orux"

oruxmaps 7.1.3 uses a foreground service to avoid that new android 'feature'



7.1.3 Beta 3 now works fine with tracking and my Nexus 5X with Android 8.0.0.

DEM files recognition still seems inconsistent,

I had a hard time to get it work at all the last few days,

at the moment it shows DEM files on startup of the app.

Edit: I just found the new version 7.1.4, better in a new thread I think?

But now I can see the files in the folder,">

but it is still a problem to get DEM to work. It seems to work after a random number of tries.">



a new beta, with some changes.



Hola Orux,

once again, thank you very much for your great app.

I have a wish for the function "move map to point". When you tap this button and select "point" in the next step, you can enter the coordinate in G.G°/G°M.M'/G°M'S'' or UTM system. Would it be possible for you to change the coordinate system to the selected coordinate system, e.g. MGRS oder to add this coordinate system for selection? We use your app in the rescue service and there the used coordinate system ist MGRS. If you add this system, it would be easier for us to locate the coordinates where we have to go.

We look forward to hear from you.  :P


Hi orux,

thanks for the new beta.

Is it possible to change the color of the circles from "Distance perimeter".

Because it's the same color like the hight lines in my maps and this is very confusing.




Quote from: "Mapper-Alps12"Hola Orux,

once again, thank you very much for your great app.

I have a wish for the function "move map to point". When you tap this button and select "point" in the next step, you can enter the coordinate in G.G°/G°M.M'/G°M'S'' or UTM system. Would it be possible for you to change the coordinate system to the selected coordinate system, e.g. MGRS oder to add this coordinate system for selection? We use your app in the rescue service and there the used coordinate system ist MGRS. If you add this system, it would be easier for us to locate the coordinates where we have to go.

We look forward to hear from you.  :P


updated last beta, changed that dialog; now it is the same that creating a wpt.



Muchos gracias, orux.

You did a great work, the changes work like a charm. So nice that you listen to the wishes of us users.  :D


Hi orux,

thank you very much for the new beta.

Great to change the circle color.  :)



Muy buenas Orux!

No sé si en las dos últimas betas hay algún bug que hace que la aplicación se detenga. Probé un día la semana pasada la beta 7.1.7 beta 1 y no tuve problema aparente. El caso es que hoy he querido salir con ella y ha sido imposible. Tras lanzar Orux, conectar el pulsometro ant+, activar el GPS  y activar la grabación del track, a la de unos pocos segundos emitia un pitido, creo que por la desconexión del pulsometro, y tras encender la pantalla me encontraba un mensaje diciendo que Oruxmaps se había detenido, en la barra de tareas me encontraba sin embargo el icono de que la aplicación estaba grabando todavía, pulsaba sobre el, se abria Oruxmaps y me encontraba que había grabado el track, pero en el cuadro mandos todos los campos mostraban guiones, creo recordar, y la aplicación no respondía. Asi varias veces hasta que la he dejado por imposible, he usado Oruxmaps donar y listo, sin problema alguno.

En segundo plano estaba usando una aplicación de reproductor de música, la misma que uso siempre.

Después correr he procedido ha desinstalar la beta y ha volverla a instalar, en las pruebas que he hecho me ha vuelto a hacer lo mismo en alguna ocasión. Después he actualizado a la beta 3 y he probado y no se me ha cerrado la verdad. Ya probaré con más tiempo.

Pero lo que sí observo con las dos betas ( la 1 y la 3) es que en cuanto activo la grabación del track la mayoría de las veces la aplicación Oruxmaps se ralentiza una burrada ( se queda la pantalla en azul sin mapa y tarda mucho en cargarlo, los botones tardan mucho en responder, si hago que desaparezca el cuadro de mandos tarda mucho en restaurase cuando lo quiero volver a activar p.ej). Todo esto para nada lo observo en la versión de Donar. El teléfono es un bq m5 con 3gigas de RAM y yo en segundo plano solo activo un reproductor de música.

No sé cómo puedo obtener un registro de la anomalía cuando ocurra, el teléfono no está ruteado y es Android 6. Si me dices qué puedo hacer lo intento.

Saludos Josean.