Straight lines. GPS stops recording. [Líneas rectas. El GPS deja de grabar]

Started by orux, August 07, 2017, 07:09:55 PM

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Has there been any update on what we can do on TVs that the SamyGO widget wont stay running on?


I've never had problems with background recording until now.

At the beginning of last month I went for a walk and it recorded fine. Last weekend, every time the phone screen was off recording stopped :-(

It was unfortunate because I wanted the data for a particular purpose.

Phone is a Samsung Galaxy S8, Android 9, Oruxmaps 7.5.7 .  The only thing that  changed between the two walks was I'd done an Android security update on the phone, and maybe updated Oruxmaps.

I know its most likely the android update and not the fault of Oruxmaps,  but this really sucks  because I love the app and had managed to avoid issues until now.

At least my old phone that I use mainly just as a gps works.


I have the s8 with android pie and found that I needed to turn off "power mode" (on pull down set of icons from home screen of phone) so that it stops doing my normal "medium power saving" and goes to "optimised" mode instead.



After struggling some days with this problem I found a solution that works for me, maybe it is of help to others!

Environment: Samsung M30S (6000mAh battery!), Android 9 (latest uodate), OruxMmaps: 7.0.2 (current version).

As suggested I set "power mode" to "optimised" (power saving off) and turned off battery optimisation for OruxMaps application.
But this was not sufficient: As soon as phone changed to standby Oruxmaps tracking was suspended and only restarted after turning on the screen (with a stright line...)
To better understand the problem I tried another tracking application: "GPS Logger".
It has an option "Keep GPS on between fixes". With this app running (and option set to ON)  also OruxMaps continues tracking! Even in standby mode.
It seems that Android location Services have to be kept alive somehow.
So I found another application: "GPS Locker". It does exactly what is required: keeps GPS alive.

Supported by this "assistant" OruxMaps works perfectly:
The quality of the track is superb: 2-5 meters accuracy on all points (independent of OruxMaps tracking parameters).
Battery drain is acceptable: 1 hour tracking takes about 3-4% of battery capacity (the lower in flight mode) so 20 hours of tracking should be possible. 

Handling is a bit laborious:
You have to change power mode and start GPS Locker before starting Oruxmaps

Thanks for the wonderful OruxMaps application!

Good luck!

Update Feb, 21st:

MEA CULPA! Thanks for matt's advice!
I trusted Google Playstore that had updated my older version to 7.0.2!
Now I've installed 7.5.8 GP and tracking works in standby mode, without GPS Locker,  perfect!