Forgotten passsword for livetracking

Started by Joska, August 20, 2017, 12:48:06 PM

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A lot of month before, I'd created an account for livetracking, but till now, I'd forgotten my password, because I'd never used it after registration. Is there any possibility to reset the registration values, oder to send the password again?

Using the search-functions, I've got no hint, how to do?

Best regards, Joska



No hint, how to get a new password?

Best Regards, Joska


Hi Orux

How to change/delete password for oruxmaps-server. Inside the app, there no more button for this?

Regards, Joska


Pling  :D


Quote from: "Joska"Pling  :D


If you go to the register/login screen, select 'login', then you will see a button to 'remember password'



I ran into a similar issure during migration from the donate to the GP version.

Using the new installed (7.5.4 GP) I clicked the burger menu (left), then user icon (right to the gear).

=> Message: No user logged in

Continue with Registration => login => E-Mail (select my email address)

Then leave the password field empty, and click on the large button at the bottom of the page "Passwort Speichern" (German translation, in English Save Password).

Then I got the message (New password sent to your email.) That worked fine  :D

But I got to this soluion by accident. Maybe the root cause of the difficulty is just a wrong English=>German translation of the button "Passwort Speichern"?