Probem with offline maps - “Only one root element allowed”

Started by Dand, August 26, 2017, 03:09:38 PM

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I use Orux donate app on my phone and I have created (using the internal map creator) a few maps to use offline. They wor perfectly on my phone so I thought they would be nice to have on an older phone and on my pad. But when I update/refresh the list of offline maps I get error for some of these maps. The message state which maps that has this problem and the phrase "Only one root element allowed".

The maps that are effected is the ones I created on my phone. I also have a few maps that are  created locally (on that pad) and some that I got from external sources. They all work... only the ones created on my new phone misbehave.

I guess it has something to do with the XML files for these maps... But I don't know...

Anyone who can tell what I've done and what is going wrong.
