Manual reloading DEM files - Oruxmaps 7.1.4

Started by Tobias, September 07, 2017, 09:43:24 AM

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I did mention it in the 7.1.3 beta thread, but now here for better organisation.

Phone Nexus 5X

Android 8.0.0

GPS Tracking, Bluetooth Sensors are working perfectly!

When starting orux DEM files are not recognized:">

You have to manually reload them trough setting the unchanged directory again.

You have to do it around twice until it works.

It seems you have to go to the parent directory twice until the DEMs are loaded.">

And the new feature that you can see the folders contents is cool,

but it may seem confusing that you still have to set the parent folder.">This doesn't work: (picture)">But this works: (picture)

On a side note a visual bug, text overlapping: (picture)">/Settings/Sensors/GPS




Quote from: "Tobias"Hello,

I did mention it in the 7.1.3 beta thread, but now here for better organisation.

Phone Nexus 5X

Android 8.0.0

GPS Tracking, Bluetooth Sensors are working perfectly!

When starting orux DEM files are not recognized:">

You have to manually reload them trough setting the unchanged directory again.

You have to do it around twice until it works.

It seems you have to go to the parent directory twice until the DEMs are loaded.">

And the new feature that you can see the folders contents is cool,

but it may seem confusing that you still have to set the parent folder.">This doesn't work: (picture)">But this works: (picture)

On a side note a visual bug, text overlapping: (picture)">/Settings/Sensors/GPS




I can not reproduce that problem.

Please, test this:

if you open OruxMaps, and can not DEM information, load a low zoom level (world map, for example) and scroll the map to force the app search a different DEM file. Go back to a position where you know there are DEM files.

can you see DEM information?

the attached image about text overlap can't be seen.



I can't reproduce the DEM problem every time.

i tested it, but no DEM files are loaded without reloading manually.

I haven't figured out when and why it needs to be reloaded.

After some tries even without confirming any changes in the path it just works.

I will do a clean isntall, maybe one of the betas did mess something up?

I updated the picture url and set it at the end of this post .">Text overlapping

edit: I made a screencapture of the process to get the DEM files loaded. Just back and forth to the DEM folder screen without setting anything.">">gif Link Google Drive


I too have this issue. I was going to create a new post, but I found this one. I have exactly the same symptoms as Tobias. I tried Mr. Orux's suggestion, but it did not work. The only way to have the Altitude shown in the Dashboard is to manually select a folder that contains DEM files (HGT or HDR).
If I am starting an activity, and I want to see current Altitude instead of just "---", I have to, (every time, unfortunately ) go to Settings, App Storage, DEM files directory, select a dummy folder, go to the map, go back to Settings, App Storage, DEM files directory, and choose the right folder, and then the Altitude shows up.
I am currently using OruxMaps v.8.0.7 GP.