Option to hide one side of "Buttons Bar"

Started by walterpnt, October 07, 2017, 05:22:07 PM

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Hi Orux,

In the App settings, I can choose if to auto hide the button bar after 10 seconds or keep the buttons always visible.

I wish the 10 seconds option would be a parameter set by the user.

also, and this I wish more - can you please add a setting that I could choose which side of the Buttons Bar (left or right) to keep always visible and the other to hide after X seconds?

I'm using one side (left buttons bar in my case) mainly for zooming and the other side for fast actions. the zooming is something that I'm playing a lot during navigation and it would be very convenient to have them always visible on one side, while the others are hidden and used just when I need them.

Thanks! :)