Finger gesture - snap to previous/next zoomlevel

Started by toc-rox, November 04, 2017, 09:19:03 AM

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In case of vector maps (mapsforge) it's better if a finger gesture (spreading or pinching) snaps to the previous or next zoomlevel.


- current zoomlevel = 15

- spreading gesture = switch and snap to zoomlevel 16 (but not to zoomlevel 15 121% or something like this)

Is there a config option to achieve this? I couldn't find one?

Regards Klaus


settings-->maps-->zoom settings-->"Finalize pinch to zoom".

should do it.


Quotesettings-->maps-->zoom settings-->"Finalize pinch to zoom"

Thanks for pointing to that ... it's exactly what I want.

The reason why I couldn't found the option is the very perculiar german translation:
Kneifgeste abschließen
Karte nach Kneifgeste in der digitalen Standard-Zoomstufe anzeigen.

Better would be this:
Fingergeste abschließen
Karte nach Fingergeste (vergrößern/verkleinern) in der digitalen Standard-Zoomstufe anzeigen.

Is there a special place where I can post this or where I can open an issue?


Quote from: "toc-rox"
Is there a special place where I can post this or where I can open an issue?

For this issue it isn't necessary anymore but if you'll find more concerning the German translation you can post them on the pinned thread">//

