Correct project for GeoPDF

Started by jonathanimber, December 13, 2017, 03:47:35 PM

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Dear Orux,

Many thanks for providing such a fantastic app.

I am running Orux on a Motorola G5, Android 7. I have a question about using GeoPDFs in offline mode.

I have a GeoPDF that was created in ESRI ArcMap 10.5 and is projected in British National Grid.

I imported the map into Orux. The display is good; however, the locations of known features is incorrect by a few tens to hundreds of metres.

I reprojected the GeoPDF into WGS84 using GDAL utility "gdalwarp", and imported the reprojected GeoPDF into Orux. The positions of the known features now appear to be accurate, as far as I can tell.

Please can you confirm that Orux requires GeoPDFs in WGS84 (and not British National Grid or other projection)? Or is it just a lucky coincidence that my map now seems to work?

Many thanks,



Quote from: jonathanimber post_id=12615 time=1513176455 user_id=6745
Dear Orux,

Many thanks for providing such a fantastic app.

I am running Orux on a Motorola G5, Android 7. I have a question about using GeoPDFs in offline mode.

I have a GeoPDF that was created in ESRI ArcMap 10.5 and is projected in British National Grid.

I imported the map into Orux. The display is good; however, the locations of known features is incorrect by a few tens to hundreds of metres.

I reprojected the GeoPDF into WGS84 using GDAL utility "gdalwarp", and imported the reprojected GeoPDF into Orux. The positions of the known features now appear to be accurate, as far as I can tell.

Please can you confirm that Orux requires GeoPDFs in WGS84 (and not British National Grid or other projection)? Or is it just a lucky coincidence that my map now seems to work?

Many thanks,



There is a bug in current version, but it should be solved in next version, may be you can test last beta version-->">



Hi Orux,

Thanks for the link to the Beta. I'll test this when I get an opportunity.

Best wishes,



Hi Orux (and other users who may wish for an update),

I've tested the Beta ("> using a GeoPDF projected in British National Grid. As far as I can tell, the Beta works correctly with GeoPDFs in British National Grid and WGS84.

Many thanks and best wishes,
