Profiles / Overlays

Started by q-fladen, March 12, 2018, 08:50:24 PM

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Hey everyone,

I have a few questions regarding profiles (among others) (I'm using v7.2.5)

- How are profiles saved? I can't find a save button, is every change saved automatically to the active profile?

- Which settings exactly are included in the Profiles? It seems that e.g. KML overlays are not saved in a profile. Is there any reason for that?

- When using different map themes for different profiles, the tiles get mixed up when switching between the profiles. I.e.: After using profile

A with theme A_th and then switching to profile B with theme B_th, some tiles are still shown with theme A_th. This occurs only for tiles, that

have been rendered / looked at before while profile A was still active.  

Two other questions:

- When several KMZ overlays are loaded and I manually choose to disable a few of them, after a restart all KML overlays reappear as activated. Why is the setting not saved?

- I'm missing the possibility to quickly (de-)activate relief-shading (mostly for performance reasons), would you consider adding a quick-access button for that?




Quote from: q-fladen post_id=13049 time=1520884224 user_id=7345
Hey everyone,

I have a few questions regarding profiles (among others) (I'm using v7.2.5)

- How are profiles saved? I can't find a save button, is every change saved automatically to the active profile?

- Which settings exactly are included in the Profiles? It seems that e.g. KML overlays are not saved in a profile. Is there any reason for that?

- When using different map themes for different profiles, the tiles get mixed up when switching between the profiles. I.e.: After using profile

A with theme A_th and then switching to profile B with theme B_th, some tiles are still shown with theme A_th. This occurs only for tiles, that

have been rendered / looked at before while profile A was still active.  

Two other questions:

- When several KMZ overlays are loaded and I manually choose to disable a few of them, after a restart all KML overlays reappear as activated. Why is the setting not saved?

- I'm missing the possibility to quickly (de-)activate relief-shading (mostly for performance reasons), would you consider adding a quick-access button for that?




Update to last version, 7.2.7

Profiles are saved in oruxmaps/preferences folder automatically.

All the settings you select in 'global settings' are stored.

Loaded overlays are not part of settings. The overlays are reloaded after exiting the app, but not the visibility of each folder of the overlays. I will try to restore also the visibility in a next version.

Yes, there is a bug with cached tiles if different profiles are using different mapsforge themes. Solved for next version.

Next version includes some changes in composite and hill shading maps, but not a button to disable that layer. I will try to add it in a future version,



Wow, thats what I call support, thanks orux!

Quote from: orux post_id=13058 time=1520955307 user_id=2
Loaded overlays are not part of settings.

Ok I see. Even though the state of (de)activation of some layers is not really a part of the settings either, maybe it makes sense to include these states in the settings file?

Or is this what you'd do anyway when you implement the restoring of the layer visibility?

This way the user could at least make the visibility a part of the settings.

