New beta version, 7.3.XbetaX

Started by orux, April 06, 2018, 10:18:22 AM

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La beta 12 ya registra las pulsaciones de nuevo y ya no lee el decimal [emoji106]

Enviado desde mi SM-G935F mediante Tapatalk


Por cierto, sale el cartel de que estas usando una beta antigua

Enviado desde mi SM-G935F mediante Tapatalk


in 7.2.15beta14 I am getting "Error in SQLite Tracks database!"

I cannot import gpx for that reason -> "Processing..." -> "Error when loading track"

When I record a track and save it, it says "Successfully saved the track into database" but the "Manage Tracks/Routes" is empty with the "Error in SQLite...."

Any additional settings need to be done?




It might not be a problem of the new beta version:

After stopping to record a track the screen after track creation appears.

Then I can decide to store the track as a gpx file.

That evokes a data manager.

How can I change which  data manager is started at this point?



Quote from: Uli post_id=13807 time=1531377456 user_id=63
It might not be a problem of the new beta version:

After stopping to record a track the screen after track creation appears.

Then I can decide to store the track as a gpx file.

That evokes a data manager.

How can I change which  data manager is started at this point?


New beta uploaded.

Maybe you click the 'share' button. After saving the file, the app opens the option to select which app you want to use for sharing the file.



I certainly do something wrong,

but when I clicked the share button first time I had the choice  and choose email transfere.

But at the following times I couldn't choose a different methode of processing the file..

I hope i could explain my problem.



Bug affecting the latest beta 7.2.15beta16

Practically the bug appears when more segments are generated per track. The track is actually well stored in the db, only the visualisation is very buggy.

For example, I load a track as a route:">

Now, I visualise the SAME track as normal track for recording:">

The visualisation as 'Route' is the correct one.


Quote from: Uli post_id=13823 time=1531596282 user_id=63
I certainly do something wrong,

but when I clicked the share button first time I had the choice  and choose email transfere.

But at the following times I couldn't choose a different methode of processing the file..

I hope i could explain my problem.



Sure you selected 'use that app always' to share the file. Next time android will not ask again.

You can change default apps for doing things in android settings--apps.



Quote from: mett post_id=13824 time=1531599565 user_id=276
Bug affecting the latest beta 7.2.15beta16

Practically the bug appears when more segments are generated per track. The track is actually well stored in the db, only the visualisation is very buggy.

For example, I load a track as a route:

Now, I visualise the SAME track as normal track for recording:

The visualisation as 'Route' is the correct one.

Could you export and share the track as gpx with me?



Quote from: orux post_id=13839 time=1531823341 user_id=2
Quote from: mett post_id=13824 time=1531599565 user_id=276
Bug affecting the latest beta 7.2.15beta16

Practically the bug appears when more segments are generated per track. The track is actually well stored in the db, only the visualisation is very buggy.

For example, I load a track as a route:

Now, I visualise the SAME track as normal track for recording:

The visualisation as 'Route' is the correct one.

Could you export and share the track as gpx with me?


Sorry, I have found the bug, do not worry,



Quote from: mett post_id=13824 time=1531599565 user_id=276
Bug affecting the latest beta 7.2.15beta16

Practically the bug appears when more segments are generated per track. The track is actually well stored in the db, only the visualisation is very buggy.

The visualisation as 'Route' is the correct one.

Beta updated,

it should work fine now,




he estado echándole un vistazo a la última beta (7.3.1beta1), repasando los menús he encontrado esto:

- El menú contextual 'Mapas en esta posición' no muestra los mapas basados en DEM

- Constructor botonera: los 5 últimos botones no tienen descripción

- Configuración global - Elementos visuales - Cuadro de Mandos - Elementos cuadro mandos: Altitud (barómetro) está en Inglés

- Configuración global - Mapas - Mapas basados en DEM: Mapa pendientes y Mapa de sombras tienen la misma descripción

- Configuración global - Mapas - Mapas basados en DEM: Mapa de releve, resolución --> Mapa de relieve, resolución   

- Configuración global - Cambio zona entrenamiento: Avisa con n pitidos al cambiar de zona de entranamiento ...

Por otra parte me he dado cuenta que el mapa de pendientes no funciona con ficheros hdr, lo pinta todo de azul. No sé si esto es normal o no dado que esto es una incorporación reciente.

Un saludo y gracias por tu trabajo.



otra cosita mas, cuando la pantalla está en modo apaisado el mensaje que dice 'Procesando...Por favor, espera' al crear el mapa 3D está en el idioma de Android (Francés en mi caso) y no en el seleccionado en forzar idioma (es_ES)


Nuno Vit

La calibración automática de la altitud no funciona.

El acumulado de altitud presentado durante el entrenamiento es siempre exagerado, para ver el acumulado correcto tiene que irse las estatiticas de la actividad, pero sí el valor presentado es siempre correcto. los valores presentados en las estatiticas debían ser los memes presentados en el panel de entrenamiento.


Quote from: "Nuno Vit" post_id=13907 time=1532603349 user_id=7797
La calibración automática de la altitud no funciona.

El acumulado de altitud presentado durante el entrenamiento es siempre exagerado, para ver el acumulado correcto tiene que irse las estatiticas de la actividad, pero sí el valor presentado es siempre correcto. los valores presentados en las estatiticas debían ser los memes presentados en el panel de entrenamiento.


¿Puedes explicar donde ves valores diferentes? ?Una captura de pantalla?
