Bad positionning of track already riden

Started by YvanCB, August 02, 2018, 11:52:27 AM

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I'm on Oruxmaps 7.3.1.

I have an issue during long trips.

The path already done (in red) is badly positioned on the map. Oruxmaps put the beginning point of the recorded path on the actual position of the trip.

Have a look to the attached file.


Not good:">

Can I give you more informations?

The error disappear when Oruxmaps change the zoom level (new tiles). Then, to have a good image, I zoom in then zoom out.

Thank you for your help.


Quote from: YvanCB post_id=13958 time=1533203547 user_id=6640

I'm on Oruxmaps 7.3.1.

I have an issue during long trips.

The path already done (in red) is badly positioned on the map. Oruxmaps put the beginning point of the recorded path on the actual position of the trip.

Have a look to the attached file.

Can I give you more informations?

The error disappear when Oruxmaps change the zoom level (new tiles). Then, to have a good image, I zoom in then zoom out.

Thank you for your help.


If I understand well, when you start recording a new track, until you don't do zoom, the recorded track is wrongly positioned. After you do zoom, the track is displayed correctly?



The beginning of the track is always ok.

After several minutes, when I switch on the screen, I notice the issue.

Then I have to zoom in and zoom out to have a good screen.

I think the problem occures after several minutes only.



Quote from: YvanCB post_id=13963 time=1533213744 user_id=6640
The beginning of the track is always ok.

After several minutes, when I switch on the screen, I notice the issue.

Then I have to zoom in and zoom out to have a good screen.

I think the problem occures after several minutes only.



I think I have found the problem. It can happen after a new segment of the track is created.

If you test the last beta version, that problem should be removed,




I will test this tomorrow. No more bike for today...



It's working perfectly! :D

Thank you.

Your the best!