New version 5.5.16 in google play!

Started by orux, November 17, 2013, 11:20:31 AM

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New beta 5.5.15

News 5.5.15beta20

-->GPX/KML/KMZ files added to the current folder.

News 5.5.15beta19

-->When you get the bounds of a map, if the maps are organized in folders then the maps of the current folder are selected first.

News 5.5.15beta18

-->Initial support to Garmin tempe ANT+ sensor. New temperature dashboard control (Temperature from ANT sensor). Temperature is exported to gpx files.

News 5.5.15beta15

-->Solved problems with automatic exported kml/gpx

News 5.5.15beta14

-->folders sorted by name.

-->solved problems with elevation correction using mapquest online service.

News 5.5.15beta12

-->minor changes in kml overlay system.

News 5.5.15beta11

-->solved problems with the line to next wpt.

-->solved some problems with folders management

News 5.5.15beta9

-->changed default folder to 'no folder'-->'---' to avoid problems with locale changes.

-->solved some problems with folders management

News 5.5.15beta6

-->solved some problems with folders management

News 5.5.15beta5

-->Added a new projection (Mercator ellipsoidal) for some maps like yandex maps.

-->New button bar for tracks/waypoints list screen.">

top, from left to right:

--sellect all

--unselect all

--invert selection

bottom, from left to right:

--load in mapviewer (selected tracks)

--export to sd (selected tracks)

--delete (selected tracks)

--join (selected tracks)



--filter tracks in the list by some criterias

--import tracks">

top, from left to right:

--sellect all

--unselect all

--invert selection

bottom, from left to right:

--load in map viewer (selected wpts)

--load in map viewer as a route (selected wpts)

--export to sd (selected wpts)

--delete (selected wpts)



--filter tracks in the list by some criterias

--more: import tracks, update altitude, mass wpt editor (selected wpts), wpt types manager.

News 5.5.15beta4

-->upload tracks to OpenStreetMaps

-->Garmin maps, remove labels backgrounds (settings--maps--garmin settings)


-Added folders to organize Tracks and Wpts. You can create new folders when creating a new Waypoint, or from Tracks/Wpts. list view (android menu button, manage folders).

-Import online map sources from other apps, like Locus external providers, (a new button in the online map viewer -SC- to scan folders for new online sources). Please respect the terms of use of the different map sources, do not download maps if it is not allowed!




Una preguntita sobre las betas, ¿es recomendable tener la beta y la alfa instaladas al mismo tiempo? Entiendo q comparten la base y podria dar problemas ¿es asi? Por ejemplo ahora, si creo una carpeta y muevo track desde la beta, q efecto tendria sobre la alfa.


Enviado desde mi LG-E610 mediante Tapatalk


Por cierto, buen trabajo con la creacion de carpetas. ¿Pensaste en lobde poner una estadistica resumen de todos los track de la carpeta?


Enviado desde mi LG-E610 mediante Tapatalk


Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Por cierto, buen trabajo con la creacion de carpetas. ¿Pensaste en lobde poner una estadistica resumen de todos los track de la carpeta?


Enviado desde mi LG-E610 mediante Tapatalk

Sí, lo tengo pendiente,



Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Hola,

Una preguntita sobre las betas, ¿es recomendable tener la beta y la alfa instaladas al mismo tiempo? Entiendo q comparten la base y podria dar problemas ¿es asi? Por ejemplo ahora, si creo una carpeta y muevo track desde la beta, q efecto tendria sobre la alfa.


Enviado desde mi LG-E610 mediante Tapatalk

Comparten la base de datos de tracks, pero no debe haber problemas, las betas/nuevas en todo caso añaden columnas, que no deben afectar a versione anteriores.

Sobre las bases de datos, recuerdo que son ficheros muy sensibles, hay que hacer copias de seguridad de vez en cuando,



Quote from: "orux"New beta 5.5.14

-Import online map sources from other apps, like Locus external providers, (a new button in the online map viewer -SC- to scan folders for new online sources). Please respect the terms of use of the different map sources, do not download maps if it is not allowed!

Hello Orux,

nice  :)  but how works it  :?:

i have nice MOBAC map sources as xml, i copy this file to oruxsmapsmapfiles and hit the new SC button, but oruxmaps says: no external online map sources found  :(

please tell us more infos about new functions in oruxmaps.



Quote from: "TheDuke"
Quote from: "orux"New beta 5.5.14

-Import online map sources from other apps, like Locus external providers, (a new button in the online map viewer -SC- to scan folders for new online sources). Please respect the terms of use of the different map sources, do not download maps if it is not allowed!

Hello Orux,

nice  :)  but how works it  :?:

i have nice MOBAC map sources as xml, i copy this file to oruxsmapsmapfiles and hit the new SC button, but oruxmaps says: no external online map sources found  :(

please tell us more infos about new functions in oruxmaps.


No, it scans for other map providers, but does not know about how to read MOBAC files; current version knows about external online locus providers.



Hello, thank you for your work as always, here's my feedback for the beta I quickly tried:

I like very much being able to split waypoints in folders;although I don't use waypoints very often myself. I found counter intuitive the folder management anyway, it took many trial and errors to realize how to create a folder.

My opinion: tap the folder (default), then it should list the folders AND add in the list the 'create new' option. Simply there.

As well: being able to import maps will put you into jail. :-).

Her, no, I meant. I would add a entry to the online maps list as well rather than a 'sc'  button. You browse the list, and at its end you find: scan for other sources of online maps from other apps".

Just my opinion. :-)

Hasta pronto

Sent from my RunboX5-W using Tapatalk


Updated to beta3

Solved some issues with folder management



Hola Orux,

Te adjunto una imagen de como sale cuando picho en +, como puedes ver las letras son diminutas.

Espero que no quede así definitivamente porque me veo comprando una lupa atada con una cuerda al manillar,  :D


Quote from: "orux"-Added folders to organize Tracks and Wpts. You can create new folders when creating a new Waypoint, or from Tracks/Wpts. list view (android menu button, manage folders).


I am new to Oruxmaps and to this forum, but already have a question.

As I understand, until now I must mark each waypoint in the List of Waypoints to be shown on the map everytime I open Oruxmaps.

This is annoying if you have imported a longer series of waypoints, like this">here.

Now in BETA 5.5.14 we can organize Wpts in folders. Is it possible to select an entire folder of Wpts, instead of selecting each single Wpt?



Updated beta version (first post of this thread).

@Spartaner: you can organize your wpts in folders, then you can use 'Select all' to load all the wpts of a folder in one step.



Hola Orux,

->Garmin maps, remove labels backgrounds (settings--maps--garmin settings)

Very well, muy bien  :) .

Se leen mas fácilmente las mapas Topopirineos

Muchas gracias, Thanks a lot


Upload to Openstreetmap is SUPER COOL. :-D

Sent from my RunboX5-W using Tapatalk


Updated to beta5

(first post)
