ENC maps

Started by peteradriaan, November 17, 2013, 02:51:20 PM

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I would be very happy if maps in ENC format could loaded into Oruxmaps.

I am using Oruxmaps for nautical navigation. Recently the Dutch government has made nautical maps in ENC format available (http://www.vaarweginformatie.nl/fdd/main/infra/enc">http://www.vaarweginformatie.nl/fdd/main/infra/enc). These are accurate vector maps. Now I am using maps from OpenSeaMaps. These maps do not show depths, so they are useless in Dutch coastal areas.

There are free ENC maps available for the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Croatia, Serbia, The Czech Republic, Rumania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Switzerland en the USA.

I know I can buy paper maps every year, scan them and covert them into a readable format. That is a hell of a job in the first place and you are likely to make mistakes during the procedure of calibration.

Compatiblity of ENC maps with Oruxmaps would be a great feature for this great application!



I have exactly the same question>. I am most surprised that this question isover a year on this board, 500 people looked at it, and nobody replied .


The development of the nautical version of OruxMaps seems to be stopped.

For nautical use, I suggest to use OpenCPN, for which recently also an (initial) Android version became available.