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Messages - wirring


Before anyone ask: "Why didn't he entered the informations via the wms_services.xml file" I can tell that i indeed tried to do that but that did not work !!

Why I really don't know, but i guess it had something to do with private key that have to be to the wms-call. One needs to get a free account at the Danish Mapping Authority, and through that account generate  an unique private key.

I have on my tablet entered information for 10 WMS maps from the Danish Mapping Authority, covering new and old topographic map of Denmark and The Faroe Islands.

But how do I transfer all these setting to my mobile phone without having to enter all that stuff once again.

Secondly if it is possible to get the setting out in som readable file (xml or ascii) I would be able to post the settings here on the forum and explain how to get a free account from the Danish Mapping Authority
This is stange.

On my phone running version 7.0.12 where my webservice.xml file works well.

But on my new Tablet where I have installed OruxMaps 7.5.4 GP (and paid for it) none of the webservices work.

Here is how a webservice looks like. I have registered at the Danish Mapping Authority and got a personal token, that I cannot show instead I have placed '...'



      <uid>2395</uid><!--unique identifier in your database cache; >1000 -->

      <desc>Topografisk rasterkort over Danmark i målestoksforholdet 1:25.000.</desc>

      <url><![CDATA["> ... 1.1&token=">]]></url>      

      <minzoomlevel>10</minzoomlevel><!-- 0 to 20 -->

      <maxzoomlevel>18</maxzoomlevel><!-- 0 to 20 -->

      <version>1.1.1</version><!-- do not change -->


      <coordinatesystem>EPSG:4326</coordinatesystem><!-- do not change -->


      <cache>1</cache><!-- not in use -->


Since the url is shortened in the example above I write it here in clear text whitout https://

I can see that there are a new example file, but I cannot make it work when filling in the values.

How should en wms server look like in the new setup ?

I have also tried to used the wms-server dialog in the Map section. but that does not work either ??

In the Changelog in 7.5.4 GP I cannot find any mention of change in the Web_Services.xml file ! When was it change.

Can I find a APK for version 7.0.12 anywhere, this is the version runnening on my Samsung S4 Active and working with all my wms services.


Erik Wirring

It would be great if it was possible to use the Wms on other projections  /datums than just 4326.
Stupid stupid me!

That solves the problem :-)

Thanks for helping me.
Thanks for helping me right away :-)


I have manages to make the directory setting switching to the SD card

But even though I have closed down Orux and restart. OruxMap will not see all my offline maps.

My setting is now: /storage/extSdcard/oruxmaps/mapfiles/ when I use the setting I can see all the subdirectories containing my various Maps.

Are there some way I can reset Orux so it will use the new settings
I am running out of space in the internal memery of my Samsung S4 Active, so I want to move all my offline maps and DEM data to th SD card, which have a lot of free space.

I have copied all data 3.6 Gbyte from internal memeory to SDcard.

I the Settings I can easily choose the new location of mapfiles BUT it has no effect. The directory setting is unchanged

What have I missed or doing wrong.

BTW Orux is the best GPS I ever have had and I have used Gps on hiking since 1995 !

I have an issue about the barometric heights but that will be some other day :-)

Hope somebody can help me, it is surely something simple I have missed

Erik Wirring



I am using version5.5.16b.

When trying to export my tracks I get the message file create susscesfully, but there is nothing in the tracklogs directory.

I can export waypoints -no problem! and I can load the tracks onto the map screen, so I guess that they are OK.

I have with earlier vesion af OM exported tracks without problems

Hope somebody can help me getting my track out.

Erik Wirring
