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Messages - borish

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Oruxmaps has problems with mbtiles
February 26, 2015, 12:23:45 PM
Just sent 1.2 MB.
ERRORES/BUGS / Oruxmaps has problems with mbtiles
February 26, 2015, 11:12:50 AM
Since the last update, oruxmaps has problems reading maps in mbtiles format. I've created two different maps with TileMill in mbtile format. Mobac can read these files while Oruxmaps reports "Problems with map XXX" and deletes the map. I can upload these files if you give me a place to store them.
GENERAL / Zooming with fingers
August 04, 2014, 09:54:54 AM
I've noticed that I can zoom in by tapping the map with one finger. Can I also zoom out by tapping? At least, it doesn't work by tapping with two or three fingers.

When I have my phone in the bike bag I can't easily use the volume buttons, so zooming by tapping is useful.

Also, the interpolated zoom levels (eg 85@16) should be disabled if raster maps are used. Raster maps look blurry on zoom levels other than 100%.
Quote from: "goosiebn"You can manually change the title of the waypoint to 'turn left'.

Sure, but isn't software meant to help us by doing stuff automatically? If you navigate though a town it's a lot of work to edit all the turn points. Plus, it shouldn't be too difficult to code this.
Oruxmaps should gives speech commands "turn left" and "turn right" in route follow mode on turnpoints. Turnpoints and the direction of turn can be identified by computing the angle between two consecutive route vectors (using the vector dot product).

For example, here I set a waypoint to remind me of the turn.">

However, the message "WPT_0000072 39.2 meters" isn't as helpful as a message "turn left in 40 meters" would be.
GENERAL / How to leave GPS active permanently?
June 02, 2014, 04:25:40 PM
Locus has an option to leave the GPS active if the screen is switched off. Does Oruxmaps have a similar option? This is useful when walking around somewhere, so I always know where I am.

As a work-around, I record a track, which however results in unneeded entries in the track database.

Also, the time interval between two GPS measurements is set to 0 s. Why this? Doesn't this consume a lot of battery power?
GENERAL / No waypoint alarm
June 02, 2014, 04:19:20 PM
Yesterday, I passed two waypoints sereral times and no alarm was given. Both Waypoints had names and "Announce WP-Name" was checked. WP alarm proximity was set to 80 m and I passed through the WP in < 5 m distance. Volume was set to maximum.

Also, I feel there are too many options for waypoint alarms, which is confusing and error-prone. The options for WP alarms should also be in the WP settings, not only in the sound settings.
GENERAL / Re: Finger zoom on map broken
May 27, 2014, 12:17:12 PM
With raster maps (eg MBTiles) however, the pinch zoom results in blurry images. This feature should better be used for vector maps only.
GENERAL / Finger zoom on map broken
May 25, 2014, 11:38:49 AM
Since the last update, I see the following behavior: If I use two fingers to zoom the map in or out, the map zooms to levels auch as 84@14, 109@14, 134@13. I checked my settings in Maps -> Zoom settings, but to no avail. I unchecked "only digital zoom" for both volume buttons and screen buttons. My standard zoom level is set to 100%.

Also, zoom settings in general are quite complicated. I suggest to remove all options for digital zoom and default zoom and use digital zoom only if the zoom is beyond the available map resolution (as in Locus). The option to use the volume buttons for zooming should be in zoom settings, not in sound. Since tapping with one finger zooms in, Oruxmaps should zoom out by tapping with two fingers.
GENERAL / Graph for track statistics
October 24, 2013, 10:23:04 AM

I suggest some improvements for the track statistics graph:

- The menu should remember the last settings. Eg, I usually select height and speed for the y-axis and distance for the x-axis. Oruxmaps resets these settings, so I have to enter them each time.

- If speed is selected, the y-axis is labelled km/h in red. The color for the speed graph however is green. The axis labelings should either be white or they should match the color of the graph.

- Labelling is inconsistent. There's no labelling for the height, distance is labelled d (km) and speed is labelled km/h. Either only the units should be given or a labelling of the form variable / unit.

- Uniform names should be used, eg altitute should be named either "altitude" or "height". At present, both names are used.
GENERAL / Sound when recording track
October 20, 2013, 11:24:49 PM

when a track is being recorded, Oruxmaps emits a sound every few minutes. What does that mean and can I switch it off?
