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Quote from: LaurentG on September 03, 2024, 10:21:25 PMI guess that not to be able "easily" to turn off battery optimization comes from Lineage OS version you are using, and is not "inherent" to Android 14.

Yeah, it could be the case. I thought in this possibility but as many other vendors customize Android to their own criteria, this information could be useful for anyone who has similar issues.

Anyway...thanks for the feedback!
OruxMaps 10.7.3GP refuses to start track recording on Android 14 (LineageOS 21 on Redmi Note 7) complaining  "Oruxmaps is optimized in energy use...".

OruxMaps redirects perfectly to Android battery optimization settings when clicking on "go to settings" but the real problem is that Android doesn't let you turn off battery optimization on any app, not only OruxMaps.

Actually neither possible turn on battery optimization for the very few apps included on the whitelist (GooglePlay Services, Clock, Messages, calendar, Dolby Amos, Phone and Calendar).

The solution for me was turn off the battery optimization for OruxMaps from the command line with adb (NO ROOT REQUIRED).

1st) Install Google adb (Android Debug Bridge) on PC (available for most common OS (Windows/Linux/MacOS/*BSDs, etc))

2nd) Enable Developer options and USB debug on Android

3rd) Connect the phone with USB cable to the PC and execute this command on PC as regular user:
adb devicesand accept fingerprint notification on Android.

4th) And finally include OruxMaps on the deviceidle whitelist
adb shell dumpsys deviceidle whitelist +com.orux.oruxmapsDonate

Each new Android version it's worse than previous about battery and energy settings  >:(

On the other hand OruxMaps it's a great app!!

Cheers to everyone!

PD: extra info about battery optimization
Some adb commands to change setting for battery optimisation, start service, stop service, grant permission, revoke permission and etc.
Me pasa lo mismo. Cuando trazas rutas muy montunas es frecuente que los planificadores no funcionen bien en algún tramo.
De momento el mejor planificador de rutas offroad que he encontrado, con mucha diferencia, es el de Komoot. La pequeña desventaja es que en la versión gratuita, o si solamente has comprado alguno de los mapas, es que solo puedes hacerlo por web, pero en realidad no me da mas porque suelo planificar las rutas en el PC, que es mucho mejor para trabajar.
Igualmente, poder hacerlo desde el propio OruxMaps, en offline, es una pasada, por ejemplo si estás en el monte, de viaje y no tienes PC, etc. La planificación de rutas es lo único en lo que de momento Komoot gana a Orux, al menos en mi opinión.

Quote from: Agus on July 03, 2022, 09:10:24 AM mayoría de rutas planeadas tiene algún tramo que no viene registrado en BRouter me resulta tedioso hacerlo con OruxMaps y me veo obligado a utilizar otra app.
Por curiosidad, ¿que app usas para editar las rutas?
Un saludo
Anyone who knows how to toggle the auto-routing / manual mode on the search route tool?
I'm in OruxMaps 9.03 GP. The previous message says it's in the beta version, but it doesn't says number of that beta version.
Thanks in advance.

Edit: I've already found (or at least I think so): once completed the auto-routing, you can add segments and/or add points manually, but I didn't find how to edit (add, remove, move...) intermediate waypoints created by the auto-routing.
No error from OruxMaps: the problem was the heartrate monitor battery , which was low, and the heartrate monitor itself that always report 85% level, no matter it's new or empty. So useless feature of this heartrate monitor.
Finally I got the Google Play version.
Yesterday I used the 7.4.23 apk without any problem.
I've just installed the Google play 8.1.8 version and beside minor issues (it's strange because offline maps are recognized, but not the rest of previous preferences), the real bug for my now it's that the Bluetooth heartrate monitor which yesterday worked perfectly with the 7.4.23 now doesn't work at all with the 8.1.8 version.

Sensor it's detected and apparently correctly added...but it doesn't work at all. When I click on "start heartrate monitor" it seems to start the connection but no data it's available on the main board and after a few seconds an small banner it's displayed:
- Sometimes an orange banner saying the bluetooth connection it's lost an that it'll be retried 30 seconds later
- Sometimes an smaller blue banner saying the bluetooth connection it's closed

Detailed info of hardware and software:
- the heartrate monitor it's a Garmin HRM Dual
- of course it was previously paired (as said, I only installed the OruxMaps GooglePlay version, nothing more did or changed)
- its battery it's at 85%
- I removed the 7.4.23 version to see of it could annoy in some way the 8.1.8 version
- it yet works perfectly in another Redmi 5A phone with the 7.4.23 version.
- The phone it's an Oukitel WP5 Pro Android 10 (UI OKUI_2.0.0)
- IPSensorMan screenshot of the sensor data it's attached

Thanks a lot for this great job!
Buenas tardes.
Estoy intentando registrarme con esta cuenta en el teléfono y me dice ¡Error entrando en servidores OruxMaps!
Por supuesto el teléfono tiene conexión.
Redmi Note 5A + Android 8.1 + MiUI 11.x. + OruxMaps es el APK 7.4.23
¿Alguien sabe de que va este error?
Por cierto, estupendo programa, voy a comprar la versión de GooglePlay : el trabajo hay que pagarlo.
Estoy pensando en sustituir mi viejo Garmin Edge 705 por un movil IP68 junto con una banda Garmin dual (ANT+ y Bluetooth) que ya tengo y usar OruxMaps como software principal.
Un saludo