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Messages - wolfgang61

GENERAL / Re: Waypoint via Bluetooth
March 28, 2019, 08:50:28 AM
The Ourxmaps manual describes an Intent which can create waypoints.

So you need another app which can listen to Bluetooth events and send such an Intent. Something like Tasker.
GENERAL / Re: showing km symbols
March 26, 2019, 03:00:14 PM
You are right, 100km seems to be a limit. I tried a shorter track and I observed the same as you.

But I am not going faster on longer tracks, so removing that limit would certainly help me.

I believe that limit is there for not having too many km symbols. But there must be other

ways to limit them, maybe depending only on the current scale
GENERAL / Re: showing km symbols
March 13, 2019, 03:26:34 PM
One more thing: The settings say

Draw a Waypoint each distance unit in active route.

which is wrong - that would mean one waypoint for every km for all zoom levels
GENERAL / showing km symbols
March 11, 2019, 11:47:24 AM
when you introduced that option, you showed one symbol per km when zooming in.

Later you changed that such that the minimal distance between 2 points is 5km.

Now I mostly cannot see any point at all because I would have to zoom out.

My wish would be:

- Ensure that always at least one such symbol is visible.

- if the distance between current position and that symbol is greater than 1km, make sure that at least 2 symbols are shown, one before and one after the current position

Side remark: Showing km values 1000km or more does not work very well. If I remember correctly, the first digit is suppressed.
GENERAL / When do new versions appear where?
February 02, 2019, 12:13:38 PM
I changed to the donate version recently because it was much newer than the version on the home page.

Now it is the other way round, the version on the home page is newer: 7.4.14. Google play donate version is only 7.4.12.

What is the rationale? Is this a case-by-case-decision?
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: MapMyTracks in v7.3.7
February 02, 2019, 06:02:01 AM
Quote from: joseulm post_id=19692 time=1548020141 user_id=4804
Hola, desde hace dos semanas no me inicia el seguimiento en vivo en Mapmytracks. A los pocos segundos de iniciar la grabación de un track me sale, en la parte inferior de la pantalla, la siguiente indicación: "MapMyTracks error: unauthorised" He revisado que esté bien puesto el usuario y la contraseña. Siempre ha funcionado perfectamente, la ultima ruta que me grabó en MapMyTracks fue el día 6 de enero de 2019. Espero tu respuesta si consigues detectar el fallo. Muchas gracias.

I believe mapmytracks does not support http:// anymore, are you already using https:// for the server?
I installed the Freizeitkarte from"> (northern Germany).

It works fine, I can load it. But it is not shown as an option in the menu item "Offline-Karte hier"
BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.3.XbetaX
January 08, 2019, 03:07:58 PM
do you use http:// ? I believe they are outphasing that, try https://
GENERAL / Intent ACTION_VIEW on newer Android APIs
January 08, 2019, 11:12:48 AM
Does somebody have a working example for Android API 24 or later?

This kotlin code

   Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).apply {
        setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(File("/sdcard/Download/my.gpx")), "text/xml")

android.os.FileUriExposedException: file:///sdcard/Download/my.gpx exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()


It would be perfect to have an example in oruxmapsmanual.pdf which also works for later APIs
ERRORES/BUGS / 404. That's an error.
January 07, 2019, 01:02:32 PM
This is what I get if I follow the link">

Maybe that should be">


I did not check the other links.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: INTENT for OruxmapsDonate
January 07, 2019, 12:59:32 PM
I found the solution at"> ... 310#p13140">

Could you please put that into oruxmapsmanual.pdf? I checked the Spanish version.

And I found out that both the free and the Donate version share the same directories for data, including oruxmapstracks.db. I wonder what happens if both apps are installed and one of them upgraded the data base scheme. Will the other possibly outdated app be able to handle that?

My question about exporting/importing settings remains open. Would you consider that?
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: INTENT for OruxmapsDonate
January 06, 2019, 02:35:57 PM
now I found in the user manual I need to reemplazar ​com.oruxmaps por com.oruxmapsDonate​ ​para​ ​la​ ​versión​ ​Donar

but this does not work. The following code works for appName="com.orux.oruxmaps" but not for appName="com.orux.oruxmapsDonate"

internal fun broadcastToOrux(intentName: String) {
    usingOruxmaps()?.let { appName ->
        try {
                    "com.oruxmaps","com.orux.oruxmapsdonate","com.orux.oruxmapsDonate").forEach {
                val intent = Intent("$it.INTENT_$intentName")
                intent.setClassName(appName, "$appName.actividades.TaskIntentReceiver")
        } catch (e: ActivityNotFoundException) {
            logError { "$e" }

fun startOruxmaps() {

ERRORES/BUGS / INTENT for OruxmapsDonate
January 06, 2019, 02:13:14 PM

I noticed that v7.3.7 on the home page has been there for quite some time. Then I discovered that the Google Play Version is already 7.4.12, so I installed that.

Now I have two separate apps which do not share configuration and offline maps.

I can reach v7.3.7 with com.oruxmaps.INTENT_START_RECORD_NEWTRACK, this works fine.

But what is the corresponding command for OruxmapsDonate v7.4.12? com.oruxmapsDonate... does not work.

And - is there an easy way to copy all settings from Oruxmaps to OruxmapsDonate?

As someone who uses Oruxmaps on more than one device, it would be quite helpful to have functions for exporting/importing settings.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Zooming underflow in v7.3.7
December 03, 2018, 12:28:38 AM
Openandromaps, I never used any others.

but now I tried online cards OpenStreetMap Mapnik and VEC:Mapnik->mapsforge. With those I can zoom down to 20m and not further. So those work.

zooming with two fingers
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: MapMyTracks in v7.3.7
November 24, 2018, 10:31:03 AM
I fixed all of this plus the 24h-bug by writing my own tracking app:">//