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Messages - RbtWmn

And nobody else has done this yet?
Thank you. This is very very helpful. I will try to use these functions before asking more questions.
This will make me a map made up of raster tiles I think. Thank's that's useful - but what I'm really hoping for is a vector map, like Openandromaps provides.
This is good stuff. Orux, could you say more about the difference between 'waypoint navigation' and whatever the other not-waypoint-navigation mode is called please? Do you mean that 'waypoint navigation' only tells me about distance and direction to the next point, but not-waypoint-navigation also tells me about whether I am on track? Or does not-waypoint-navigation also interact with additional functions like 'brouter'?
I did try the manual - and maybe I'm being stupid, but it didn't help. Perhaps I just need to really study it hard. I guess though what I'm looking for is something to get me started.

To be clear - I'm no stranger to gps technology - I'm no stranger to gpx files. I often hand-edit gpx files with a text editor, or produce them from other GIS data. And I'm no fool when it comes to apps like this, I've successfully made the app work with brouter for example... but I simply haven't been able to take the first steps in properly getting to grips with a mental model of what button does what.

Quotewhen you use routes/manage you come to the tracks-database, this should be under tracks/manage.

Thank you - that helps lots. It's this kind of thing I'm finding confusing.

I think that I've understood this - please tell me if I'm correct...

- the little arrow symbol provides a menu about recording tracks

- the  little pin symbol provides a menu about waypoints

- the little road symbol provides a menu about routes


- the little pin symbol also has an option for making a route (out of waypoints)

This route seems to be some kind of current route, because if you make up a second route the first is still on the screen, but with a different style of line shown.  I have no idea how to interact with it at this stage.

- the little road symbol provides also the 'Manage' option, which actually manages tracks, not routes.

Presumably as you say, this should be under the little arrow symbol.

- the little road symbol also provides options like 'Follow' but 'follow' what? Follow the route made up of waypoints? Does 'follow' just tell the device to provide advice about being on the route or not?

- the little road symbol also provides a 'Statistics' option, which also seems to be about a track not a route.

- the little road symbol gives the option 'Create' which seems to be about creating a route, but not using waypoints... except that I can tell it to make waypoints as it does it.. except these waypoints don't appear in the list of waypoints available under the little pin symbol, so does that mean they aren't waypoints, in which case what are they???.... And then having done this there seems to be a new route on the screen, but again this doesn't seem to be the current route and I see no way to manage this (given that the manage option manages tracks....)


I realise that the translation issue may make things more complex - and I'm happy to help to make things simpler and/or clearer once I can understand what's going on.


Quotehttp://$z%7D/%7B$x%7D/%7B$y%7D.png">{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png = mapsource url">

So I understand that Oruxmaps can download tiles from the second url - I'm not sure what to do with the first.

To be clear what I'd really like to find is an off-line vector map, not to have to download tiles.
Please, I would like a clear explanation of how Oruxmaps works with routes, tracks, waypoints, navigation and tracking.

I understand these concepts/ideas/tools when using my Garmin gps device. A track records where I have been. A route records where I want to go. Waypoints are a record of a point. I can navigate by asking the gps to follow a track, or to plan how I should  travel from waypoint to waypoint.

I have tried hard but I have failed to understand how Oruxmaps works with these ideas.

I need to also understand why the menu items on the map view are organised how they are.

I think that if I cannot understand this then many other people also cannot understand it.
Does anybody know? Is a map (map style) available for an offline map to display public transport, bus, tram, train routes?

Openstreetmap data on this can be very good in some cities. I would like to use the Openandromaps map for this.

I think that this is important because Oruxmaps and Openandromaps are useful for people who are not using a car.


Spanish from Google Translate

¿Alguien sabe ? Es un mapa ( mapa de estilo ) disponible por un mapa en línea para visualizar el transporte público , autobús , tranvía , rutas de tren ?

Datos de OpenStreetMap en esto puede ser muy bueno en algunas ciudades . Me gustaría utilizar el mapa Openandromaps para esto.

Creo que esto es importante porque Oruxmaps y Openandromaps son útiles para las personas que no están usando un coche.


German from Google Translate

Weiß jemand ? Ist eine Karte ( Map-Stil ) verfügbar für eine Offline- Karte zu öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, Bus, Straßenbahn, Zug Routen angezeigt werden?

OpenStreetMap-Daten auf das kann sehr gut in einigen Städten. Ich möchte die Openandromaps Karte für diesen Einsatz.

Ich denke , dass dies ist wichtig, weil Oruxmaps und Openandromaps sind nützlich für Menschen, die sich kein Auto mit