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Messages - owmapper

Quote from: Tronpo on November 02, 2022, 02:46:49 PM
Hello!! Try this trick, it's very simple.
Make an OSM mapnik composite map with any other map.
Use 0SM mapnik as zoom 5 to 20 basemap and the other map as zoom 0 to 5 layer.

Then you can use the map creator to download this composite, obviously you have to choose the download of the zooms from 5 to 20, which are the ones that the OSM mapnik map occupies.
Thanks @Tronpo, but it doesn't sound simple to me! I don't know how to make a mapnik composite map - it sounds like I have to download tiles from mapnik and I can't do that.
Hi Lenz,
I successfully installed Elevate. I don't fully understand how it all works but at least I have something I can now mess around with. Thanks for your help.
Quote from: Lenz on October 25, 2022, 07:09:20 PM
Which details do you miss in OpenAndroMaps and other maps you had a look at? Maybe it is not a problem with the map but with the theme.
I know nothing about themes or their effect. Can you point me to somewhere that describes them and how to modify them? Thanks.
Hi Lenz,
Thank you for continuing to help.

I deleted onlinemapsources.xml as you suggested. I'm pretty sure that the one it recreated is identical to the one it created when I installed 7.4.26. OpenTopoMap and VEC:Mapnik->mapsforge still show nothing. Also, this isn't going to resolve the offline Mapnik issue anyway - you said that this is a Mapnik server restriction and nothing to do with Oruxmaps.

I have looked at offline maps from Openandromaps and others. They all seem to emphasis hiking and cycling features, which is fine, but miss out other details that mapnik includes. I want this extra detail.
Quote from: Lenz on October 17, 2022, 11:06:43 PM
Hello LaurentG,
you're perfectly right ... 7.4.26 is the latest free version.
I installed this and it's now working. Thanks.

However, these maps (WORLD) don't render anything: OpenTopoMap, VEC:Mapnik->mapsforge. Should they?

Also, none of the offline options I've looked at (Topo 4umaps via Map creator) or maps from mapsforge have the same level of detail as Mapnik. Is there some offline equivalent?
Quote from: Lenz on October 15, 2022, 10:01:33 PM
this behaviour has nothing to do with the version of Oruxmaps. It is a way to limit the server traffic of the map providers.
There are great free maps on the basis of OSM to download like OpenAndroMaps. Or you could create an offline map from the OpenTopoMap (which is also based on OSM) in Oruxmaps.
Thanks for clarifying that. I feel a bit cheated that I can't use Mapnik as I am an OSM contributor, and Mapnik is OSM I think. I'm sort of aware that I can download maps for elsewhere but have never tried. I've always used the Map Creator up to now because of the ability to create tailored maps. For whatever reasons, OpenStreetMap Mapnik is the only map source that works for me. All of the others, including OpenTopoMap show nothing, online or offline Map Creator. Any ideas why?
I posted this question some while ago:

I cannot create an offline map from OpenStreetMap Mapnik. This used to work and now it doesn't - I get message "This map is not downloadable due to their owners limitations". I've seen this problem reported in the past, with no obvious solution. I'm still using v 7.1.6 but I've tried the latest (7.4.25) downloaded from the website and it has the same problem. Is this fixable?

and am surprised that not one person responded. Is this just me? Did OpenStreetMap Mapnik change to prevent offline map creation for some reason? If it's suddenly a limitation of the free version I would purchase the paid-for version, but not until I know it will work.

Comments - anyone?
I cannot create an offline map from Mapnik. This used to work and now it doesn't - I get message "This map is not downloadable due to their owners limitations". I've seen this problem reported in the past, with no obvious solution. I'm still using v 7.1.6 but I've tried the latest (7.4.25) downloaded from the website and it has the same problem. Is this fixable?
