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Messages - mullenkamp

Thank you for the reply.

But it still does not work...

I have tried multiple times to to assign a directory within /storage/external_SD/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/

It always says that there is an error that it cannot write to the directory. Is there any other setting that could be causing this problem?

As it is written in the title... I cannot save to the sd card even though it is in the android data folder in the orux maps specific folder. I also have the Donate version (which I guess is newer than the non-Donate version). When I try to add that folder to the Routes directory, it keeps telling me it cannot write to it and that I should assign a folder in the same location that I am already trying (the android data oruxmaps folder).

I am running Android 5. I didn't have this problem with the previous oruxmaps version.
