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Messages - groschi2

GENERAL / Re: Moving screen map only with two fingers
October 16, 2022, 07:39:14 AM
Thank you very much. That was it. I didn't used this function until now and so I didn't knew it.
GENERAL / Moving screen map only with two fingers
October 15, 2022, 06:40:21 PM
I'm in holidays. Since today I can move my map on the screen only with two fingers. Until yesterday one finger was enough.
How can I change this?
You was right. It's working now but I doesn't know exactly why.

This afternoon I allready recognized that the gps sognal was bad. Often 10 - 20 m away from the correct position.

As you wrote I tested it with googlemaps and locous (I installed locus this afternoon to test it if oruxmaps doesn't work).

And in all apps the signal was at a bad position and doesn't change. I doesn't know the handling from locus and so I opend a window seeing the actually satelites. No satelites.

Then I started the Tool "GPS Status" also no satelites. I wondered wether the GPS in the phone is defect, but after a few minutes I received a signal and I have had satelites. I looked at oruxmaps which was in the background and it's also working. I closed all applications and started oruxmaps again. It's still working.

The mistake was, that all these apps couldn't start the real GPS sensor and used only with mobile network.

I hope that that was the mistake only for the first time using GPS sensor.

I hope it will work tomorrow.

Thank you for your really good and enduring help!
I was outside now. I walked 100m. the app doesn't receive any GPS information. I kept the display on and the position doesn't change the whole way.

The mistake is receiving the gps signal.
two things ar strange:

perhaps there is a mistake from installing using the SD-Card from the old mobile phone and from deleting the first apk und change to donate version.

But I don't know.

On the mobile phon from my wife I also installed Oruxmaps.

If I start recording and stopp a few seconds later without changing my place, the message appears that I can save the track.

In my phone this message doesn't come.

If I start recording and turn off the display. After turning on again first there is no arrow. After zooming the map in most cases I get the arrow again.

I think the main problem is the missing message after stopping recording.
I'm not sure wether the app is recording.

If I keep the display alive I mean that my location doesn't change.

In the status from Android there is a message that Oruxmaps is recording.

Also if I want close oruxmaps a message appears that oruxmaps is still recording and I first have to stop the record before closing oruxmaps.

But if I stop recording, the normal message for the name doesn''t come.
Thank you for your fast answer.

The apk I allready updated to 7.2.11

I also changed the energy settings in Samsung Options.

But it's allways the same.

If I start recording and close the screen. After opening new there is no arrow and no recording no red line.">">
Ich nutze seit Jahren Oruxmaps zum Wandern. Habe auch schon erfolgreich SD-Karten auf neue Handys umgezogen.

Jetzt nutze ich seit kurzem ein A5 mit Android 7.0.

Ich gebe zu dass die Installation nicht gut war. Das Samsung-Konto hat mir Oruxmaps nicht installiert. Ich habe dann nach einer APK gesehen. Habe 7.0.2 gefunden und installiert. Dann habe ich gedacht, dass das Programm die 3 Euro wert ist und habe deinstalliert und über Playstore installiert. Dort hieß es aber dann OruxmapsDonate. Dann war ich auf der Webseite und habe gemerkt, dass es dort neuere Versionen gibt. Habe dann 7.10 installiert.

Jetzt bin ich seit heute auf Mallorca und will wandern. Leider habe ich hier erst gemerkt, dass die Trackaufzeichnung nicht funktioniert. Sobald ich auf Aufnahme gehe und einmal das Display dunkel mache und wieder aktiviere ist mein Standortpfeil weg. Aufzeichnen tut er auch nicht, wenn ich Display anlasse.

Nach googlen habe ich die Energieoptionen korrigiert. Ändert aber alles nichts. Hatte gedacht, dass es evtl. an Schreibrechten liegt. Habe alte Datenbanken im Tracklog-Ordner gelöscht. Er legt da aber schon was Neues an.

Bin total verzweifelt. Hat jemand eine Ahnung woran das liegt?
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Garmin Topo Maps
July 14, 2016, 09:21:51 PM
I just loaded Garmin Topo TrekMap Italia v4 Pro and Garmin TOPO Deutschland 2012 Pro unlocked img version. In oruxmaps I got this result:"> ... 182146.png">

That allways the same. What is my mistake. Did you used a locked version and unlocked this with gimgunlock-0.03+MapSigPatch?
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Garmin Topo Maps
July 13, 2016, 04:40:51 PM
Hello penguin

which map did you used? Topo-maps until 2010 are working. The problem are the pro maps. Does such a pro map work by you?
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Garmin Topo Maps
July 11, 2016, 08:51:00 PM
If I understand you than it is possible to use a newer map if I use the whole map? Is that right?
MAPAS/MAPS / Garmin Topo Maps
July 07, 2016, 08:38:08 PM
please don't kill me if this topic is allready treated in this forum. I nearly allways use the openandromaps with oruxmaps. Sometimes not all ways are shown in the OSM. Often before I start a trck I plan it with mapsource. In mapsource I also use garmin topo maps. In germany I can use garmin topo map until version 10 with oruxmaps. In Italy I can use treck map italia v2 with oruxmaps. It's not possible to use German topo v6 pro or v7 pro or trekmapitalia V4 pro (any pro map).

Is this normal? Isn't oruxmaps able to work with pro maps from garmin or is it my mistake because I make my maps with mapsource. Mapsource isn't supported since a few years. I also have BaseCamp but I doesn't use it because using is terrible.

Does anybody know whether there is an option to use newer garmin topo maps?
MAPAS/MAPS / Garmin Topo Maps
July 07, 2016, 06:56:18 PM
please don't kill me if this topic is allready treated in this forum. I nearly allways use the openandromaps with oruxmaps. Sometimes not all ways are shown in the OSM. Often before I start a trck I plan it with mapsource. In mapsource I also use garmin topo maps. In germany I can use garmin topo map until version 10 with oruxmaps. In Italy I can use treck map italia v2 with oruxmaps. It's not possible to use German topo v6 pro or v7 pro or trekmapitalia V4 pro (any pro map).

Is this normal? Isn't oruxmaps able to work with pro maps from garmin or is it my mistake because I make my maps with mapsource. Mapsource isn't supported since a few years. I also have BaseCamp but I doesn't use it because using is terrible.

Does anybody know whether there is an option to use newer garmin topo maps?