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Messages - fatom

BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.2.XbetaX
April 20, 2018, 08:58:37 AM

Thanks for integrating this to OruxMaps so fast! I didn't expect that, so I get my own lifetracking via a Wordpress installation with the fantastic Trackserver plugin. But this was some work! So I am happy that there is the possibility with gpsies. This is quite easy, no own domain needed, no Wordpress installation needed, ... .

I just tried it to do Livetracking with gpsies. Works perfect!

Is there a way to copy the configuration of my normal OruxMaps installation to the beta?

Greetings from Leipzig (Germany)
BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.2.XbetaX
April 20, 2018, 08:13:06 AM

@carioco, sorry I can do it only in english, used google translate to translate your post

Login (Login) to (you need an account at

Go to Discover (Descubrir)

Go to Live tracking (Seguimiento en tiempo real)

Go to Instructions (Instrucciones) on the right side (Lado derecho?)

Finde the PIN at: "Your personal live tracking PIN is:" ("Tu PIN personal para el registro en tiempo real es:")

Best regards

in some situations the dashboard values are more important than the map or the map is only important in short range.

There is the possibility to move the map center down (Cursor down).

It would be nice to have an Cursor up option or even better a option in the dashboard options to set the center of the map to the center of the visible map area (because some area is not visible because of the dashboard).

Best regards from Leipzig/Germany
April 17, 2018, 10:55:18 AM

I know lifetracking is possible with (But it is a pro feature which needed a paid subscription.) OruxMaps has already support for GPSIES. It looks not too difficult to implement. Is there a way do to it by myself with some tricks in OruxMaps?

According to the  GPSies Live tracking API

Live tracking server URL:">

Live tracking mandatory parameter:



&latitude=<double value, e.g. 52.45334>

&longitude=<double value, e.g. 13.33677>

&requestTimestamp=<UTC timestamp (phone clock) in seconds, e.g. 1523954834 ( = 17. April 2018 10:47:13)>

Optional parameter:

&locationTimestamp=<UTC timestamp (GPS time) in seconds, e.g. 1523954834 ( = 17. April 2018 10:47:13)>

&accuracy=<double value in metres, e.g. 7>

&ele=<double value in metres, e.g. 33>

&offset=<char value, e.g. +01:00>

&fileId=<valid fileId of GPSies with 16 chars>

all I need is a way to send the latitude, longitude and requestTimestamp to">

Best regards
