New beta version, 7.3.XbetaX

Started by orux, April 06, 2018, 10:18:22 AM

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here you can test a new version:



online vector maps, from mapbox and other vectorial sources. A new category to online maps tab: featured maps. THOSE MAPS WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE IN GOOGLE PLAY RELEASE VERSION, because of their monthly cost.

-> Only ARM apk available for testing purpose, to make the apk smaller.

Test carefully!!!!


-->support to utm-k coordinates

-->support to Chinese BD09 maps. If you have those maps, you have to change the projection attribute in the onlinemapsources.xml file, use these:





-->bug correction


-->support to Chinese GCJ02 maps. If you have those maps, you have to change the projection attribute in the onlinemapsources.xml file, use these:





-->suppor to external barometer/thermometer in BT 4.0 SOC, with chip nRF51822, like this:"> ... 11676.html">

with an external barometer, using it to replace GPS altitude, you will have excellent accuracy.



Me alegra ver la opción de conexión con strava, lo uso mucho :-)

Pero echo en falta que no memorice el modo de subir el track, (privado / publico).


Buenos dias!!!!

¿que llevas idea de meter de strava? he probado la beta, sincroniza bien las rutas, pero tendrías que especificar que el usuario que quiera hacer esto necesita logear con el usuario de orux. Luego yo he tenido un "problema", se han sincronizado 760 rutas, uso strava desde hace 4 años, y orux peta al desplazar la lista hacia abajo, seria interesante que una vez bajadas se organizasen de alguna manera, y tengamos un filtro para poder buscar las rutas.

Me imagino que investigaras el tema de segmentos, koms, etc... como meterlos para poder ser visualizados en orux, hay una app sencillita que lo integra, igual le puedes pegar un ojo, se llama ghost. el tema de los segmentos es realmente intersante.

un saludo y gracias por tu trabajo, en mi grupo de btt ya somos mas de una docena los usuarios de oruxmaps!!!!


With this Beta and current Donate 7.2.11 I can't create new composite offline maps. Regardless of settings, neither with mbtiles nor mapsforge or combined. Just the message "Generating maps database", after that no composite map is added. Old composite maps of previous versions still exist in the database.


Quote from: carioco post_id=13197 time=1523165239 user_id=2918
Buenos dias!!!!

¿que llevas idea de meter de strava? he probado la beta, sincroniza bien las rutas, pero tendrías que especificar que el usuario que quiera hacer esto necesita logear con el usuario de orux. Luego yo he tenido un "problema", se han sincronizado 760 rutas, uso strava desde hace 4 años, y orux peta al desplazar la lista hacia abajo, seria interesante que una vez bajadas se organizasen de alguna manera, y tengamos un filtro para poder buscar las rutas.

Me imagino que investigaras el tema de segmentos, koms, etc... como meterlos para poder ser visualizados en orux, hay una app sencillita que lo integra, igual le puedes pegar un ojo, se llama ghost. el tema de los segmentos es realmente intersante.

un saludo y gracias por tu trabajo, en mi grupo de btt ya somos mas de una docena los usuarios de oruxmaps!!!!


sí, pretendo ampliar poco a poco la integración, añadir filtros,...

el error que has tenido, ya lo he capturado, creo



Quote from: eartrumpet post_id=13198 time=1523167401 user_id=518
With this Beta and current Donate 7.2.11 I can't create new composite offline maps. Regardless of settings, neither with mbtiles nor mapsforge or combined. Just the message "Generating maps database", after that no composite map is added. Old composite maps of previous versions still exist in the database.

Thank you, indeed, there is a problem; when a certain type of composite map is created in which a mbtiles map is added, it blocks the new creation of new composite maps. This is your problem.

Today I was thinking about uploading a patch for another problem, I will add one for this.



New beta version uploaded,



The preview when building composite maps is nice, but we lost the list of already created levels. Feels odd. In most cases you can see what you have from the preview so it doesn't matter, but not always (for example you are joining maps rather than overlapping them).


Quote from: Maki post_id=13302 time=1524033042 user_id=100
The preview when building composite maps is nice, but we lost the list of already created levels. Feels odd. In most cases you can see what you have from the preview so it doesn't matter, but not always (for example you are joining maps rather than overlapping them).


the stack of layers are there, top-right corner of the map, as overlay.

New beta version uploaded.



he intentado integrar gpsies para el tema del seguimiento, pero no hay manera de encontrar el pin en cuestión, he hecho el registro en la app y he buscado en la versión desktop, pero no consigo dar con el, aparte de registrarse, hay que hacer algo especial en esa app para que te de el pin?

un saludo y gracias.



@carioco, sorry I can do it only in english, used google translate to translate your post

Login (Login) to (you need an account at

Go to Discover (Descubrir)

Go to Live tracking (Seguimiento en tiempo real)

Go to Instructions (Instrucciones) on the right side (Lado derecho?)

Finde the PIN at: "Your personal live tracking PIN is:" ("Tu PIN personal para el registro en tiempo real es:")

Best regards



Thanks for integrating this to OruxMaps so fast! I didn't expect that, so I get my own lifetracking via a Wordpress installation with the fantastic Trackserver plugin. But this was some work! So I am happy that there is the possibility with gpsies. This is quite easy, no own domain needed, no Wordpress installation needed, ... .

I just tried it to do Livetracking with gpsies. Works perfect!

Is there a way to copy the configuration of my normal OruxMaps installation to the beta?

Greetings from Leipzig (Germany)


Quote from: carioco post_id=13321 time=1524199073 user_id=2918
he intentado integrar gpsies para el tema del seguimiento, pero no hay manera de encontrar el pin en cuestión, he hecho el registro en la app y he buscado en la versión desktop, pero no consigo dar con el, aparte de registrarse, hay que hacer algo especial en esa app para que te de el pin?

un saludo y gracias.

Está un poco escondido:

My profile-->More actions (un botón verde)-->Live tracking-->Instructions. Ahí aparece tu pin.



Quote from: fatom post_id=13324 time=1524207517 user_id=7493

Thanks for integrating this to OruxMaps so fast! I didn't expect that, so I get my own lifetracking via a Wordpress installation with the fantastic Trackserver plugin. But this was some work! So I am happy that there is the possibility with gpsies. This is quite easy, no own domain needed, no Wordpress installation needed, ... .

I just tried it to do Livetracking with gpsies. Works perfect!

Is there a way to copy the configuration of my normal OruxMaps installation to the beta?

Greetings from Leipzig (Germany)

You can create a new profile from current, then you can load it in the other version.



hi Orux.

already a few weeks ago that the barometric altimeter is not calibrated automatically with the dem files. even in manual mode it does not work and writes error in the calibration of the barometer. now I use samsung s8 with 7.2.13beta3.

thanks for everything