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Messages - fir99

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Double export of finished tracks
August 01, 2024, 09:49:19 AM
Yes, I have configured export of finished track in the formats GPX and KML. The files are stored in the folder `tracklogsĀ“.
No automatically upload to some platform is configured.
If I export a track manually an existing file is updated (according to the timestamp) but not duplicated.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Double export of finished tracks
July 30, 2024, 11:45:20 AM
No, no upload to any platform (Strava, Sicami) configured, just appending the timestamp to the file name.
ERRORES/BUGS / Double export of finished tracks
July 28, 2024, 10:44:45 AM
In the settings I have configured the export of completed tracks in the file formats GPX and KML. Since version 10.7.1 GP, both files are created twice in the directory tracklogs, the second file with the name "(1)". The content and time stamp of both files is identical.
I think I found the rational for the bug: Probably my phone is affected by the "GPS week number rollover" bug. I found the option to replace the GPS timestamp by that of the phone and will observe the result after my next tour.
With OruxMaps v9.6.0 GP on Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016) the timestamp of the recorded trackpoints is wrong. Instead of 2022-10-20 the date 2003-03-06 is recorded (see attached GPX-Track and Screenshot). I observe this bug since version 9.5.0. Before this error didn't exist.
ERRORES/BUGS / Graphic track statistics
October 20, 2020, 09:41:28 PM
Hi orux,

I would like to report a small bug: In the graphic statistics, the horizontal scaling of the distance covered (height, red) is incorrect. In the example, the distance traveled is 18.81 km according to the textual statistics, but the red line ends at around 16 km. The horizontal scaling of the waypoints (turquoise) is correct.

Hi orux,

with version 8.0.7 restoring the KML overlay works as expected again - many thanks!

Hi orux,

find attached the KML overlay file and screenshots of the tweaked overlay.

When I switch to other apps (using the home button or by scrolling the app history) and return to OruxMaps later, sometimes the splash screen and the initialization messages are displayed. The last KML overlay is reloaded and the hide state of the nodes (red colored) is remembered, but the hidden nodes are visible (not hidden).

I suppose OruxMaps will be quit in the background when Android needs more memory for the foreground app. This doesn't affect the track recording. My device: Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016)
With version 8.0.5 GP I load an KML overlay and tweak (hide) some nodes (becoming red colored). When I restart the App the overlay is reloaded as expected and the hidden nodes are shown red, but the elements of the hidden nodes aren't hidden any longer.
My workaround is to unhide the hidden nodes and rehide it again. Then the elements of the hidden nodes will be hidden again.
MAPAS/MAPS / OSM Public GPS Traces
October 03, 2018, 06:59:54 PM
Martin Loetzsch developed an map overlay for Google Earth (kml file) which displays all OSM public GPS traces:">//

These GPS traces are a good supplement to the OSM map at locations where paths are inaccurate or missing. Therefore I would like to display the GPS traces as an overlay in OruxMaps.

The direct solution using the kml file as an map overlay doesn't work for me, maybe because the network link requires Google authentication. Another solution would be using a WMS server but I didn't find any serving the OSM public GPS traces.

Does anyone have an idea how to implement my wish?