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Messages - kaeptnkriechstrom

GENERAL / Re: Garmin Tempe support
January 23, 2014, 09:48:27 AM
Good morning, today I had perfect testing conditions. It was around 0 degree Celsius this morning and the Ant+ indicator in Oruxmaps stated 655.29 degree. When I arrived at work it was a bit above 0 degree. Seems as it currently can't display negative temperatures.

I also had a look in the Gpx file and the temperature is listed in there and I could also see the jump off temperature there. First 0.45 then 655.29 as it went from positiv to negative degree. Other than this it is all I wanted to have. Really good job.
GENERAL / Re: Garmin Tempe support
January 19, 2014, 12:56:18 PM
I just tried it and it is working perfectly. Will go for a walk outside to do some further testings. Many thanks.
GENERAL / Re: Garmin Tempe support
November 30, 2013, 11:20:38 AM
Hi, I'm using two Xperia devices. One old and small Xperia Active which is mounted to my bicycle and the new Xperia Z1. Both are supporting Ant+.
GENERAL / Re: Garmin Tempe support
November 28, 2013, 10:10:17 PM
Perfect, I'll try to be patient.  ;)  

Muchas gracias
GENERAL / Re: Garmin Tempe support
November 28, 2013, 09:50:36 PM
Mmmh, would it be a big problem to include this feature in a future version? I would really like to see the current temperature as I'm commuting with my bicycle also during winter time.
GENERAL / Garmin Tempe support
November 27, 2013, 10:21:08 PM
I recognized that Oruxmaps supports temperature sensors since 5.5.2. As the temperature is getting frosty I'd like to see the current temperature on Oruxmaps. So I bought the Garmin Tempe Ant+ sensor. I can see the device via IpSensorMan and I can read out the device ID but I can't configure it in the Ant+ menu of Oruxmaps as there is no line such environment or something similar. Can some one help me to configure the device?