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BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
Last post by pikimin_tom - December 31, 2024, 12:54:42 PM
Quote from: Tronpo on December 23, 2024, 07:20:47 AMHello, I have just done several tests with the beta5 version.
Login on strava : ok

Hi, Thanks for trying this. I've done some more testing and I've managed to get it to work. I think the issue was that I hadn't reconnected with Strava since installing the new beta and somehow it was using the Strava authorisation from my old v7.4.23, the permissions it askes for are different which might explain why it didn't set the activity type properly, unfortunately I can't replicate the issue, but it's not such a big problem.

The other issue I had about not being able to authorise with Strava is real, it just depends how I try to authorise. If I go to Global Settings -> Integration -> Strava -> Login then it works as expected. If I revoke the authorisation and go to Tracks -> Properties -> Upload to -> Strava -> Connect with Strava then I get to the Strava login page, but when I press "Authorize" it just goes back to the upload GPX window. If I press "Upload GPX" then it just shows the Strava authorisation page again, but it doesn't matter how many times I press it, it never connects.
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
Last post by Lenz - December 30, 2024, 12:10:36 AM
Hello Mandrake70,
you can change the paths of your GP version in 'global settings' - 'app storage' so that they point to the equivalent folders in 'android/media/com.orux.oruxmapsbeta/oruxmaps'. Be sure you granted OM GP access to all files.
I have been using the same data resources for both GP and beta for a long time without any problems but I made backups of important data regularely. If you have already experienced data loss it's even more important to backup.

Sad but true: with the release of OM 11 GP the posibility described above will be history due to Google's Play Store policy.

Best regards & a happy new year to Orux, his supporters and all OM users
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
Last post by Mandrake70 - December 29, 2024, 08:59:48 PM
Question: I have version 10.7.4 GP installed on an Asus Rog 5s Android 13 device and a Motorola G85 5g android 14, I have over 30 gigabytes of maps and data, could I direct the GP version to read in the same folder as the Beta version so as to always have a single archive without duplicates? Can I create a mess? I ask because it happened to me in the beta 10 version, opening a map, after a few seconds the map was deleted leaving only the xml file and deleting the db and db.journal files. Thanks.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Offline maps on wear os
Last post by Victormt - December 29, 2024, 02:27:58 PM

Me uno a la pregunta.
¿Nos podéis ayudar?

GENERAL / Wear OS - Mostrar app al levan...
Last post by Victormt - December 29, 2024, 02:24:11 PM
Buenas tardes,

Utilizo la app Oruxmaps para seguir tracks de senderismo desde el móvil y el reloj. Ayer realicé una ruta y configuré el reloj para que la pantalla estuviese siempre activa y siguiese el track de la ruta en el reloj sin problema. Sin embargo, al tener la pantalla del reloj siempre activa la batería dura muy poco, por lo tanto, quiero configurarlo para que la pantalla únicamente se active al levantar la muñeca. Esta opción la conozco y es configurable, pero cuando levanto la muñeca lo que me muestra el reloj es la esfera y, si quiero seguir el track de la ruta, tengo que meterme de nuevo en la app desde el reloj. Me gustaría que al levantar la muñeca se me mostrase directamente la app con el track de la ruta de senderismo y no la esfera.
¿Sabéis si hay alguna opción que al levantar la muñeca te muestra la app que tenías abierta y no la esfera?

GENERAL / Cambio de teléfono
Last post by lermeñoausente - December 27, 2024, 08:49:23 PM
He cambiado de teléfono y no sé si debo comprar de nuevo la aplicación. También me gustaría saber cómo pasar los tracks y mapas offline almacenados en el teléfono antiguo al nuevo
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
Last post by Tronpo - December 23, 2024, 07:20:47 AM
Quote from: pikimin_tom on December 22, 2024, 06:45:35 PMThanks for the help, but I don't think this is the issue. After more than half an hour the activity type is still "workout". The default activity in my Strava settings is set to "cycling" which is what I'm trying to upload.

In any case, I've just tried uploading an activity using an old version of Oruxmaps (v7.4.23) and the activity type is immediately set correctly, so it looks like it's a regression in recent versions of Oruxmaps.

Also, I tried revoking Oruxmap's permissions to access Strava from the Strava settings so I could re-link Orux to Strava to see if that made a difference. However it wouldn't even re-link. I successfully authenticated with Strava and was able to press the "Authorize" button to link my Strava account, there was no error message but Oruxmaps doesn't show as an app in my Strava settings and uploads from Oruxmaps fail. It seems that Strava integration is broken in this version.

Hello, I have just done several tests with the beta5 version.
Login on strava : ok
Upload activities to strava:ok
As I said before, in the first instance the activity appears as training, a few minutes later the type of activity is already updated correctly.

As a novelty or anomaly I notice that I can upload an already existing activity on strava, this was not possible previously.
Best regards.
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
Last post by pikimin_tom - December 22, 2024, 06:45:35 PM
Quote from: Tronpo on December 21, 2024, 01:07:25 PMHello check the integration settings, strava, there are you can configure what type of activity is the one that is uploaded by default
Also tell you that in strava it takes a while to show the type of activity received from OruxMaps, if you look just when the activity from OruxMaps has been uploaded to strava it is very possible that it always puts training, but after a few minutes for example 10, this is already updated and puts the correct activity, this has been happening for a long time,  I have checked it out
Best regards

Thanks for the help, but I don't think this is the issue. After more than half an hour the activity type is still "workout". The default activity in my Strava settings is set to "cycling" which is what I'm trying to upload.

In any case, I've just tried uploading an activity using an old version of Oruxmaps (v7.4.23) and the activity type is immediately set correctly, so it looks like it's a regression in recent versions of Oruxmaps.

Also, I tried revoking Oruxmap's permissions to access Strava from the Strava settings so I could re-link Orux to Strava to see if that made a difference. However it wouldn't even re-link. I successfully authenticated with Strava and was able to press the "Authorize" button to link my Strava account, there was no error message but Oruxmaps doesn't show as an app in my Strava settings and uploads from Oruxmaps fail. It seems that Strava integration is broken in this version.
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
Last post by Tronpo - December 21, 2024, 01:07:25 PM
Quote from: pikimin_tom on December 21, 2024, 09:52:39 AMHi,

The new beta seems to work great and I have no problems with the files being stored in the media folder.

However I have a small problem with uploading tracks to Strava which I also noticed on the previous beta I was using (10.7) - it doesn't matter what track type I select when uploading, in Strava it always appears as a "workout" instead of e.g. ride or run.
Hello check the integration settings, strava, there are you can configure what type of activity is the one that is uploaded by default
Also tell you that in strava it takes a while to show the type of activity received from OruxMaps, if you look just when the activity from OruxMaps has been uploaded to strava it is very possible that it always puts training, but after a few minutes for example 10, this is already updated and puts the correct activity, this has been happening for a long time,  I have checked it out
Best regards
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
Last post by pikimin_tom - December 21, 2024, 09:52:39 AM

The new beta seems to work great and I have no problems with the files being stored in the media folder.

However I have a small problem with uploading tracks to Strava which I also noticed on the previous beta I was using (10.7) - it doesn't matter what track type I select when uploading, in Strava it always appears as a "workout" instead of e.g. ride or run.