No easy way to change default directories to ext storage

Started by Kenneth Evans, February 21, 2014, 12:27:50 AM

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Kenneth Evans

In more recent versions of Android (my Galaxy S4, for example) the call to getExternalStorageDirectory() no longer gets the external storage.  It returns /storage/emulated/0/, and on the S4 this is internal storage (which is limited in size).  The external card is at /storage/extSdCard.  For a data-intensive app such as OruxMaps, this can eat up the internal storage.

I found I could individually change the settings to use /storage/extSdCard/oruxmaps for maps. tracks, and waypoints (the directories customwpts, geocaches, mapfiles, mapstyles, overlay, pictures, and tracklogs).  I moved the ones originally in /storage/emulated/0/oruxmaps to /storage/extSdCard/oruxmaps.

However, on restarting OruxMaps, it recreated the ones in /storage/emulated/0/.  I am not sure what it is using.  (The settings still have the /storage/extSdCard ones.

This may not be a bug, but it is is a problem that should be addressed (to avoid filling up internal storage, if for no other reason).

If there is a way to do this that I missed, I apologize.  I didn't see it.