old beta version

Started by orux, January 06, 2015, 06:57:29 PM

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Quote from: "Lanstronio"
Quote from: "Josean"Hola! Muy buenas! Hoy he probado la nueva beta con una línea de teléfono (sin datos eso si), y la verdad, el aumento de consumo de batería se nota. Por ello, sería posible configurar el programa para poder ir en modo avión, con el fin de maximizar la duración de la batería, y que este en caso de tener que enviar un SMS desactivara el modo avión y gestionada incluso el PIM de la SIM del teléfono (o llevarlo desactivado como opción).

Por cierto el otro día sugerí poder configurar el tema del mensaje de SOS según el perfil y ya me he dado cuenta de que es así. Que hay que configurarlo para cada perfil.

Saludos y muchas gracias.
en modo avión es posible que no funcione el gps

Si funciona el GPS en modo avión, es una de las mejores opciones para ahorrar batería. El resto ya no se si es posible.


Quote from: "eartrumpet"
A small bug with mapsforge themes and svg: if a svg symbol is replaced with a new one, the rendered version of the former is still used, deleting the (all kinds of) cache doesn't help. There is a svg icon cache, which probably isn't emptied along with the tile cache at the moment.

Another small bug: name lang=".." in the stylemenu of mapsforge themes isn't used, only defaultlang.

I tried as an alternative with "de" and also "de_DE" (as it is used in Application -> Select language) in name lang=, with defaultlang="en"/"en_US".

It would be good if also the short form de/en/es etc. could be used, as the long form can't be used by other apps using mapsforge 0.5

Best regards,



Quote from: "eartrumpet"
At the moment it's only possible to have the same layer activated in all different styles at the moment, but it's not possible to have different layers activated in different styles.

Just for the record: I found a workaround for this. Create separate layers with different ids (with the same content and name) for every mapstyle. Now they can be activated independently, as well have a different default status.

One new idea: "reset layers to default" button, to switch all back to the status defined in the theme (with enabled="true").

Best regards,



Tobias, I'm not sure about what you mean about the language issue. To me it's working fine in the alpha I posted before.


Quote from: "Maki"Tobias, I'm not sure about what you mean about the language issue. To me it's working fine in the alpha I posted before.

Strange, your alpha doesn't work here as well. Language of OruxMaps Beta is de_DE (also system language), but the items in "Tweak mapsforge theme" are in English.

Best regards,



Now that's weird. I had it set to "--" and it showed Italian strings, I forced to en_US and got English. Going back to "--" it's stuck to English. But not just the theme tweaker, it's the whole app. I made several tries and "--" stays on the latest chosen language. That's on a GPad 8.3 with Kitkat and Beta 5.

Questioning my mental sanity I tried on the Galaxy Nexus with Jelly Bean 4.3 and Beta 4. It was set to "--" and showed correctly the Italian strings. However switching to other languages it got stuck too.

So there is definitely a bug, and a more serious one.


Which items in "Tweak mapsforge theme" are in English? Could you mention some?


Quote from: "nurembergueso"Which items in "Tweak mapsforge theme" are in English? Could you mention some?

Everything that is defined in a theme like the included "Default mapsforge theme", if defaultlang="en" is defined in the theme and OruxMaps language is set to something different than "--"  (thanks Maki for the hint!), e.g. de_DE.

In the "Default mapsforge theme" it's the map styles (Driving, City, Topo) and layers (Emergency, Restaurants/Bars etc.)

de translations are included in the theme and work with language set to "--" (means system language). If you set the language to something different, it falls back to the defaultlang of the theme, and if you set it back to "--" it stays that way.

Only if you leave OruxMaps AND kill the app, different languages than defaultlang work again if "--" is set at the time OruxMaps is started.

Best regards,



Quote from: "eartrumpet"

Only if you leave OruxMaps AND kill the app, different languages than defaultlang work again if "--" is set at the time OruxMaps is started.

Great, thanks for this hint.

The first time I see the tweaks in my language.8-)


Hi Orux, I was working today to update my theme and I found a caching problem. SVG graphics is rendered and cached by the MF library. What happens is that if an SVG file is changed the previously cached bitmap continues to be used. Even clearing the cache from the preferences and/or closing the app doesn't solve the problem. Other apps are clearing this cache on each theme change using the MF built-in function. I quote from the docs:

QuoteTo speed up map rendering, SVG symbols are now only rendered at the point where they are needed and are then written to disk in the PNG format. Subsequent uses will retrieve the file just like another raster image source. The file cache where these files are stored can be cleared through a static call.




Quote from: "Maki"Hi Orux, I was working today to update my theme and I found a caching problem. SVG graphics is rendered and cached by the MF library. What happens is that if an SVG file is changed the previously cached bitmap continues to be used. Even clearing the cache from the preferences and/or closing the app doesn't solve the problem. Other apps are clearing this cache on each theme change using the MF built-in function. I quote from the docs:

QuoteTo speed up map rendering, SVG symbols are now only rendered at the point where they are needed and are then written to disk in the PNG format. Subsequent uses will retrieve the file just like another raster image source. The file cache where these files are stored can be cleared through a static call.



Sorry guys; I've been in 'airplane mode' a couple of weeks because I have recently been daddy of a wonderful girl!

I will try to come back next days, if she lets me some free time ;)

Updated last beta6.

Solved problem with locales in mapsforge themes/styles selector.

Added AndroidSvgBitmapStore.clear(); when changing the mapsforge theme.



Muy buenas!

Únicamente aprovecho para daros mi enhorabuena y desde luego decirte que te tomes todo el tiempo que sea necesario, que aunque te den sus ratos de mal dormir, cuando más se disfrutan es de pequeños. Aprovecha!



Quote from: "orux"

Sorry guys; I've been in 'airplane mode' a couple of weeks because I have recently been daddy of a wonderful girl!

I will try to come back next days, if she lets me some free time ;)


Congratulations Orux! There is nothing better in life. Take all the time you need. We will be patient.

sent from my S4 using tapatalk


Quote from: "orux"
Sorry guys; I've been in 'airplane mode' a couple of weeks because I have recently been daddy of a wonderful girl!

I will try to come back next days, if she lets me some free time ;)

Congratulations! She and your partner needs your time more than anyone else, so enjoy it.

We just had a boy four months ago, so I'm still somehow juggling with time gaps as well :-)

Best regards,



Congratulations! A new baby is the most overwhelming thing that can happen in your life. Enjoy!!