old beta version

Started by orux, January 06, 2015, 06:57:29 PM

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Hola, antes de nada dejame felicitarte por esta estupenda aplicación. Es, sin duda, la más imprescindible en mi teléfono.

Me gustaría hacer algunas sugerencias y comentarios con el fin de ayudarte con esta versión Beta:

1. No me funciona con Android Wear. (tengo un Nexus 4 con CM12.1 y un LG G Watch)

2. Me pregunto si con la nueva API de Mapas introduccida recientemente en Android Wear, sería posible ver el mapa en el reloj, al igual que hace ahora la aplicación de Google Maps. Esto sería maravilloso.

3. ¿Integracción con Wikiloc? (aunque si no la tiene ya, supongo que será porque no lo permite ese servicio)

4. Además de los mapas, sería estupendo que aumentaran las funcionalidades para usar con Android Wear, (que aparezca, por ejemplo, la misma info que tenemos en el control de mando, mas opciones al establecer un checkpoint, etc), y pequeños detalles como una mejor integración visual, y que se pueda seguir ejecutando la app aún cuando salimos de ella (como por ejemplo hace Google My Tracks, que sí queda mostrando información en una tarjeta)

Como te dije, muchísimas gracias por tu trabajo. Soy consciente de todo el trabajo que esto tiene detrás, así que espero poder ayudarte en breves!! si alguna aplicación lo merece, es esta!!

Un saludo!


Quote from: "ofirgodoy"I would like to make a consideration of the barometric altitude calibration.

Currently I turn on the GPS and calibrate the barometer with my reference altitude but when start  recording track calibration is lost and I have to recalibrate the barometer altitude again. It always generates a peak in chart and wrong statistics of gain and loss of altitude, velocity, etc.

I think the ideal would be the app keep the previously calibrated reference altitude priority on dem altitude or GPS  when you start recording track.

Orux you could say what you think about it?

Thanks again for your attention.

Nexus 5 via Tapatalk


Yes; I am riding with that problem. It should be solved in final version.



Quote from: "eartrumpet"Some small stuff with orux-mf-theme://

- It says "downloading maps" in the notifcation area while it is downloading a map style

- after finishing, your are told that that you can select it via "tweaks-mapsforge styles" which is the pre-beta 6.4 way, now this button is found under maps menu - mapsforge theme

Best regards,


Thanks, you are right,



Quote from: "Maki"There is a little problem regarding mapsforge theme tweaks. The tweaks are saved across sessions meaning that I can switch theme and go back without losing my settings. This is nice, however it looks like that if different themes use the same name for layers they are influenced each other. They should be saved independently. For example, I have several test versions installed, if I turn off contour lines in one theme they get turned off in all the other themes too.

Other than that it seems to work well. I'll probably publish later today a new beta with the ability to turn off the background for multilayer maps.


the themes persistence is managed by the library; but I will check.



Quote from: "chambergas"Hola, antes de nada dejame felicitarte por esta estupenda aplicación. Es, sin duda, la más imprescindible en mi teléfono.

Me gustaría hacer algunas sugerencias y comentarios con el fin de ayudarte con esta versión Beta:

1. No me funciona con Android Wear. (tengo un Nexus 4 con CM12.1 y un LG G Watch)

2. Me pregunto si con la nueva API de Mapas introduccida recientemente en Android Wear, sería posible ver el mapa en el reloj, al igual que hace ahora la aplicación de Google Maps. Esto sería maravilloso.

3. ¿Integracción con Wikiloc? (aunque si no la tiene ya, supongo que será porque no lo permite ese servicio)

4. Además de los mapas, sería estupendo que aumentaran las funcionalidades para usar con Android Wear, (que aparezca, por ejemplo, la misma info que tenemos en el control de mando, mas opciones al establecer un checkpoint, etc), y pequeños detalles como una mejor integración visual, y que se pueda seguir ejecutando la app aún cuando salimos de ella (como por ejemplo hace Google My Tracks, que sí queda mostrando información en una tarjeta)

Como te dije, muchísimas gracias por tu trabajo. Soy consciente de todo el trabajo que esto tiene detrás, así que espero poder ayudarte en breves!! si alguna aplicación lo merece, es esta!!

Un saludo!

Buenas, y gracias;

1.-en la beta no debe estar funcionando, sí lo hará en la v. final

2.-oruxmaps no usa la api de mapas de google. Pero más adelante intentaré meter mapas en la app de reloj

3.-wikiloc no tiene api pública

4.-lo trabajaré más adelante; la verdad es que todavía la versión smart watch tiene poco uso.




updated version to rc2



Just installed the latest beta. Every 20 s I get an annoying error message (with a loud chime) about ANT connection loss. The status bar shows the "ANT+ sensor enabled" icon. I have no clue how to disable ANT+ - I have no sensor and just want to get rid of that error loop.

Update: I dug out an ANT+ heart rate sensor, attached it (worked fine - a Garmin HRM3-SS) and THEN got the "Start-Stop ANT+" entry in the track menu. I stopped ANT+ and everything worked. I just wonder why it started with ANT+ in the first place.

- Martin


Any changes from RC1 to RC2 on SMS alarm?

From some reason on RC1 "SOS alarm" isnt working for me, it doesn't "read" movement, it will always enter "SOS alarm" mode after the specified time. Maybe something to do with screenlock/powersaving? I noticed it happens when screen is locked all the time.


try to download the beta but cannot completed and stuck at 7Mb of 11Mb. can anyone help?



I have just installed the newes beta version 6.5... on my HTC Desire X. It installs correctly, but when I start the app, it just loads forever. A had a similar experience few months befor with the official version. Is there a solution? Otherwise I have to use the 5.5 version which is perfect.

Thanks for your advice.


Hi Orux,

thanks again for the great software. I was using Orux maps now for a multi day bike trip with openandromaps and it is still amazing.

After using it so much I have some suggestions, wishes....

I used a track with 6 segments, one segment for each day.

When followig the route and displaying the altitude graph (in the trip computer), the current position is always displayed in the complete route. Is it possible to display only the current segment?

In the beta I found the option to show the altitude graph always on the screen (not only in landscape mode). This is a very good feature.

Would it be possible, to show/hide the altitude screen the same way the as the other values at the bottom can be shown/hidden by clicking on the values (if it is enabled in the config)?

Another cool thing would be if the altitude graph could be used to show a position on the map when setting a cursor inside of the altitude graph. To know where the peaks are on the map.

And then I finally have another suggestion.

Would it be possible to color the route depending on some values (like altitude) like in this program http://www.gpstrackeditor.com/screenshots">http://www.gpstrackeditor.com/screenshots

I printed a roadbook for my trip with the route colored by the altitude but it would be way better to have that feature in oruxmaps.



Acabo de instalarme la RC2 y tiene algunas features espectaculares. Muy buen trabajo.

Algunas preguntas acerca de la posibilidad de subir rutas a los servidores de Oruxmaps.

1. Cuando comparto una ruta con un URL y lo abro en el navegador, me sale un error 404 de Hostgator. Hago algo mal? O solo se pueden compartir rutas entre dos Apps. Como entonces se abre un URL desde Oruxmaps?

2. Si es posible, me gustaría pedir integración de los servidores de Oruxmaps con Tapiriik. Tapiriik sincroniza datos entre un mogollón de webs de trackers, y si Oruxmaps ofreciese integración, sería un muy buen argumento para muchos para a partir de ahora usar Oruxmaps como su App definitiva para grabar sus rutas. Sé que yo estaría encantadísimo con ello.


Hi Orux,

just installed OruxMaps6.5.0rc2 ...

But now I can't use the buttons above the geocache page (mark all, discard all, refresh).

None of them works.

Within the waypoint page it works.


Hi Orux,

one suggestion for the great SOS-alarm:

A button "SOS" in the button bar to start/stop it manually.



I'm a long time ORUX fan/user and supporter. For quite some time now I'm using beta as I just love the ability to customize map styles with Mapsforge Themes!

Recently I started using last RC2 version and encountered pretty bad problem twice; lastly I was doing a trail marathon (tracking and following a gpx route).

During the event I got two phonecalls that I didn't answer. Only about 30 minutes later I realized, that GPS tracking stopped, because there was no audio feedback of a waypoint, that I expected :/

Unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce this behavior willingly, but maybe somebody else also had similar situation, so please try to test it for such scenarios.

It happend to me twice on the RC2, but never on previous Orux beta (sorry, I didn't write down the version before upgrading to RC2...).

Might also be phone/Android related as before I was using Galaxy S3/Android 4 (without problems), and lately I'm running the RC2 on Samsung Galaxy S5 Active with Android 5

