Vectorial map and Mapsforge style

Started by untamed, May 29, 2015, 02:04:05 PM

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Hi all,

I was using Italy map from">// with Mapsforge styles. Now I have to reduce the space used on my memory so I created a vectorial map starting from a PBF file with osmosis and map-writer plugin.

Now the file .map is perfectly working in Orux.

However, if I apply the style from openandromaps, I cannot see most of the details that come with the style, nor the contour lines.

What can I do? Is there other styles I can use (I'm interested in mountain biking)?


You can't show anything with a map style if it isn't included in your map.

The normal tag-mapping of mapsforge doesn't contain mtb tags etc. Have a look at map basics at OAM for that. Also the pbf file doesn't contain contour lines, you have to add them manually to the map.