Dynamic tile URL, i.e. Unix timestamp

Started by Holton181, February 13, 2020, 12:17:14 PM

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I just discovered RainViewer and locked at the API page. As it seems, it would be possible to use RainViewer tiles with different maping tools like Oruxmaps. There is only one problem. The URL:s contains the dynamic parameter {ts}, Unix timestamp. For what I know Oruxmaps cannot handle that at the moment.
The list of avaliable timestamps are updated every 10 minutes, contains about 13 timestamps in even 10 minutes increments, including the last occurred.
Would it be possible to implement the functionality to utilize such dynamic URL:s into Oruxmaps?
I understand this can be quite complicated, and I guess the numer of possible dynamic URL:s are virtually endless (not just using Unix timestamps), but I figured it doesn't hurt to ask.

I have just sent an email to the RainViewer support and requested the possibility to load the most recent tiles without any dynamic parameters in the URL.
