Phonegap intent Oruxmaps

Started by ant, January 30, 2016, 01:26:52 AM

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I'm building al App with phonegap. In my html when I write this code

<div><a  href=" geo:41.335612,-8.681094" class="ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-shadow">Mapa Orux</a></div><br>

the user , when he clicks on the button "Mapa Orux" he goes to de app orux where he can see a marker in the coordinates

What I want to do is the same thing but with a .kmz file ( or .gpx) . So when the user click on the button it opens a track in the orux app. So I have the file route1.kmz and I want to intent this file to de Orux app.

I',m being trying this for 3 days and still no clue (I'm a beginner developper) and is driving me crazy!!

Any help will be appreciated