All of my tracks are lost after updating to v.6.5.0

Started by manokaiser, March 04, 2016, 09:11:27 PM

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As in the title, my tracks of more than a year of cycling suddenly disappeared.

I updated to version 6.5.0 a couple of weeks ago.

I didn't use the program until about a week, when I tried to load a track. There was nothing left,no tracks in the database, neither any of the gpx that were auto exported in the tracklogs folder. The program could only display the folders I had created to store the tracks, in the database, all empty of any data.

In the app folder, on the phone, there was a tracklogs folder with a database and a backup copy of it. Both were very few bytes, practicly empty of information.

Fortunately I had saved a back up of the complete app folder in my computer! Otherwise that would be a major loss.

I didn't restore anything on the phone though. Two days ago, on Wednesday I went for a ride, so I recorded that single tracklog for testing.

Everything was fine at the end of the ride, I saved the track, exported kml and gpx files, then load the track again. So everything was confirmed to function properly.

Until tonight...

I opened  the app to view the track , Nothing there again. I connect the phone to laptop and take a look in the app folder.

Nothing there too.Some folers were missing, No database, no gpx, no kml, not even a tracklogs folder.

All gone.

So here is what I think happened, since I checked everything to be fine and the next time I opened the app, all were gone again.

I think that one other app that I use, call power clean, just erased those files and folder on an attempt to clean up.

I noticed it was deleting something in oruxmaps path, while running. At that time I didn't realize what that was but now I know what is missing.  ] BEWARE OF POWER CLEAN[/color]

Now, my question is: what is the best way to restore my data from the computer?

I had just copied the whole oruxmaps folder in November.

That was a different version, can I just copy the databases and tracklogs folder or I need to restore other files as well

Thanx for your effort,

please warn other users to protect them or even better, inform those power clean developers to keep away from oruxmaps logs.

keep up the good work! We appreciate it!

Kind regards,


#JoyRide Cycling Crete


Quote from: "manokaiser"Hello!

As in the title, my tracks of more than a year of cycling suddenly disappeared.

I updated to version 6.5.0 a couple of weeks ago.

I didn't use the program until about a week, when I tried to load a track. There was nothing left,no tracks in the database, neither any of the gpx that were auto exported in the tracklogs folder. The program could only display the folders I had created to store the tracks, in the database, all empty of any data.

In the app folder, on the phone, there was a tracklogs folder with a database and a backup copy of it. Both were very few bytes, practicly empty of information.

Fortunately I had saved a back up of the complete app folder in my computer! Otherwise that would be a major loss.

I didn't restore anything on the phone though. Two days ago, on Wednesday I went for a ride, so I recorded that single tracklog for testing.

Everything was fine at the end of the ride, I saved the track, exported kml and gpx files, then load the track again. So everything was confirmed to function properly.

Until tonight...

I opened  the app to view the track , Nothing there again. I connect the phone to laptop and take a look in the app folder.

Nothing there too.Some folers were missing, No database, no gpx, no kml, not even a tracklogs folder.

All gone.

So here is what I think happened, since I checked everything to be fine and the next time I opened the app, all were gone again.

I think that one other app that I use, call power clean, just erased those files and folder on an attempt to clean up.

I noticed it was deleting something in oruxmaps path, while running. At that time I didn't realize what that was but now I know what is missing.  ] BEWARE OF POWER CLEAN[/color]

Now, my question is: what is the best way to restore my data from the computer?

I had just copied the whole oruxmaps folder in November.

That was a different version, can I just copy the databases and tracklogs folder or I need to restore other files as well

Thanx for your effort,

please warn other users to protect them or even better, inform those power clean developers to keep away from oruxmaps logs.

keep up the good work! We appreciate it!

Kind regards,


#JoyRide Cycling Crete


I'm afraid that there are more apps doing that.

You can safely copy the old oruxmaps/ folder, the app should update the database files (unless the database comes from a very old version, more than 2 years).
