problem Android 5.1.1 and .RMAP

Started by julfe, March 08, 2016, 03:52:44 PM

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I saw some answers on this forum about some of the same trouble but as nothing worked for me and I discovered another trouble, I write a new post.

My gear : Sony Experia Z3 (Android 5.1.1)  + Oruxmaps 6.5 + maps format .rmap (used to work perfecty on my old smartphone running under Android v3.x)

My two problems :

1- totally unable to read the maps on the SD card, due to the unabilit of Oruxmaps to write (but why should it be able to write ?) on the SD card. I tried almost everything I found on the internet to solve it, but nothing worked. For example, on the manual for v6.0 version it is written "you must copy your maps in :

/storage/extSdCard/OruxMaps/mapfiles/" but neither with my computer nor with the internal file explorer of my smartphone does Oruxmaps accept to read "extSdCard" folder. More, my sdcard is named "sdcard1" in Oruxmaps file explorer.

2- due to the desperate situation I finally copied the maps inside the memory of the phone, in the mapfiles folder. Even there, Oruxmaps displays an error message "there were problems reading some maps!" followed by the name of the map.

Any clue to solve it ?



Quote from: "julfe"Hi

I saw some answers on this forum about some of the same trouble but as nothing worked for me and I discovered another trouble, I write a new post.

My gear : Sony Experia Z3 (Android 5.1.1)  + Oruxmaps 6.5 + maps format .rmap (used to work perfecty on my old smartphone running under Android v3.x)

My two problems :

1- totally unable to read the maps on the SD card, due to the unabilit of Oruxmaps to write (but why should it be able to write ?) on the SD card. I tried almost everything I found on the internet to solve it, but nothing worked. For example, on the manual for v6.0 version it is written "you must copy your maps in :

/storage/extSdCard/OruxMaps/mapfiles/" but neither with my computer nor with the internal file explorer of my smartphone does Oruxmaps accept to read "extSdCard" folder. More, my sdcard is named "sdcard1" in Oruxmaps file explorer.

2- due to the desperate situation I finally copied the maps inside the memory of the phone, in the mapfiles folder. Even there, Oruxmaps displays an error message "there were problems reading some maps!" followed by the name of the map.

Any clue to solve it ?



If you do not create maps from online sources, you can safely ignore the error message, because the selected folder is used anyway.

The app should be able to read the same .rmap files. May be the file is corrupted...

If you can share the file with me I can check,



I think the rmap issue is the same problem I reported here">//


Quote from: "Maki"I think the rmap issue is the same problem I reported here">//

Hi, Maki,

I didn't read that post.

About sqlite maps. Yes, it is possible that different android versions use different sqlite libraries. The performance can change.

About rmaps:

I don't like rmaps maps because:

-tile size is too small. With HD displays it requires a very complex cache, with a lot of entries (bad performance with searches).

-in some kind of rmaps maps, some complex operations are made by code, with low performance.

-It needs a long initiation process, specially with large maps (in memory tiles indexation). Because of that you see that lag when rotation. I will try to keep the map open in that case in future versions.

With rmaps maps it is important the processor of the device. All is done by the app, not by android or external libraries.

I will try to work with the immersive mode soon,
