New 6.5.Xbeta version

Started by orux, May 23, 2016, 07:18:39 PM

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Quote from: "JCS666"en la beta 18 no funciona subir los track a gpsies.

Ni a strava

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


Quote from: "Tobias"Hi,

I tried the newest beta because I can'T connect my Heart rate Monitor anymore with my new phone Nexus 5x.

With the newest beta, the interface is very nice btw,

the app crashes isntantly if I select

sensors- heart rate- BLE, or


There isn't even the message to start bluetooth.

Althoug the red banner on the top ( back, search reset)

is overlapping the first setting on the top.


Also please add a option to delete a Sensor,

I happened to register my HR Monitor as Bluetooth 4.0 Sensor again and can't redo it.


Phone Nexus 5x

Android 7.0

multiple HR monitors, confirmed working on multiple other phones


please test last beta update.

you can delete a selected MAC using 'reset' option.



Quote from: "Quercus.JB"
Quote from: "JCS666"en la beta 18 no funciona subir los track a gpsies.

Ni a strava

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


probad la última beta,



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "Quercus.JB"
Quote from: "JCS666"en la beta 18 no funciona subir los track a gpsies.

Ni a strava

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


probad la última beta,


Strava funciona, gracias orux

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


Buenas Orux!

Respecto a lo que te comente, referente al orden de los mensajes orales, supongo que fue una chinada del teléfono, porque coincidió que destilde en mi perfil de Running para que no me pidiera datos del track al finalizar la ruta y casualmente comenzaron a funcionar igual que siempre los avisos de voz. He probado a restablecer para que pidiera datos del track al finalizar por si acaso y no se ha vuelto a reproducir. Vamos que ya no hay problema alguno!

Saludos. Josean.


Quote from: "orux"

please test last beta update.

you can delete a selected MAC using 'reset' option.


I refered to the Version 6.5.11beta18

I now tried Version 6.5.11beta19, where the app crashes,

then the message  "allow to enable bluetooth" pops up.

No crash while ticking the bluetooth smart box.

With the 6.5.11beta17, it's the same as with beta19

Edit: corrected, I accidently tested with the store-version after the app crash. With the store Version I can select a HR Montor, but the connection doesn't work.


Update :

I now got Android 7.1.1 on my nexus and tried the beta19 again,

since I've seen many people having bluetooth issues in Nougat.

No crash when setting up the heartrate sensor.

Sensor works fine now !

Some things I stumpled across:

The first option in the settings is partly covered: (i mentioned that in my last post)">

The Dashboard things can be arranged, but only within the visible range.

You can't move the last option all the way up without dropping it quiet often.

Also I don't see any made change on the main windows, the arrangement doesn't change.

Lastly the Dashboard options I picked are shown, plus some wich aren't selected, but only after staring a recording:

- Complete Time while moving

- Time while moving

- Speed

- Distance ( I only selected complete Distance)

The plot option doesn't work with a track that only contains BMP,

it just showes an empty diagram. The zoom bottons aren't working.

BPM shows 0, Height is shown correctly.">

With a normal track, the zooming only appects the curves, not the axis.">

On a side note without DEM data it shows -9999 which is a nice behavior for error handling.

btw: is there a option to set the language?

On a last note the multi-window behavior is quite inconsistent, it started using sounds and pretty escalated.

I still don't like the "reset all" - solution to reset 1 Sensor setting.

I hope this helps you!

With 7.1.1 I'm dreaming of the new app shortcut feature to start a adjustable recording: "Start MTB" would start record with Heartrate for me.


It seems ther e is a problem with file access: I can acces my previous records, even old ones from the store version.

But nether DEM files nor Mapsforge-Themes can be accessed. The file path ist the same as in the store version of orux, where erverything works.


The store version shows bpm too, No idea why.

The plot function is cool after some usage, I think it works as intended.

In the beta19 the DEM folders is shown as empty, but DEM is fully functional.

I'm very happy.



Con esta última beta (creo que no me pasaba lo mismo en otras y no me ocurre con la versión de Play Store), los mapas creados desde Google (los tengo gracias a un truco que vi en éste u otro foro) salen desplazados, los tracks no van por donde deberían. Da igual que el mapa se haya creado hace meses o con la última beta.

Con la última beta:">

Con la versión de Play Store:">

Ésto no pasa con los mapas que vienen por defecto pero yo uso mapa con fotos de satélite que tienen nombres de las calles y demás, y no sé como hacer uno así con los mapas que vienen por defecto  :cry:

Otra cosa, al pulsar en las opciones de la barra roja de arriba las ventanas que se abren la tapan, esto no ocurre con la versión de Play Store, sino se tapase la barra sería más cómodo abrir las ventanas de las demás opciones:">

Gracias y un saludo.

EDITO: Los mapas creados (desde los online de Google) en la versión de Play Store sí salen centrados en la última beta.


Quote from: "Tobias"Update :

I now got Android 7.1.1 on my nexus and tried the beta19 again,

since I've seen many people having bluetooth issues in Nougat.

No crash when setting up the heartrate sensor.

Sensor works fine now !

Some things I stumpled across:

The first option in the settings is partly covered: (i mentioned that in my last post)">

The Dashboard things can be arranged, but only within the visible range.

You can't move the last option all the way up without dropping it quiet often.

Also I don't see any made change on the main windows, the arrangement doesn't change.

Lastly the Dashboard options I picked are shown, plus some wich aren't selected, but only after staring a recording:

- Complete Time while moving

- Time while moving

- Speed

- Distance ( I only selected complete Distance)

The plot option doesn't work with a track that only contains BMP,

it just showes an empty diagram. The zoom bottons aren't working.

BPM shows 0, Height is shown correctly.">

With a normal track, the zooming only appects the curves, not the axis.">

On a side note without DEM data it shows -9999 which is a nice behavior for error handling.

btw: is there a option to set the language?

On a last note the multi-window behavior is quite inconsistent, it started using sounds and pretty escalated.

I still don't like the "reset all" - solution to reset 1 Sensor setting.

I hope this helps you!

With 7.1.1 I'm dreaming of the new app shortcut feature to start a adjustable recording: "Start MTB" would start record with Heartrate for me.


It seems ther e is a problem with file access: I can acces my previous records, even old ones from the store version.

But nether DEM files nor Mapsforge-Themes can be accessed. The file path ist the same as in the store version of orux, where erverything works.


The store version shows bpm too, No idea why.

The plot function is cool after some usage, I think it works as intended.

In the beta19 the DEM folders is shown as empty, but DEM is fully functional.

I'm very happy.

Hello, thanks;

Test the last beta about settings problem (first item covered), and the new tool for sorting dashboard controls.



Quote from: "jaimecy"Hola.

Con esta última beta (creo que no me pasaba lo mismo en otras y no me ocurre con la versión de Play Store), los mapas creados desde Google (los tengo gracias a un truco que vi en éste u otro foro) salen desplazados, los tracks no van por donde deberían. Da igual que el mapa se haya creado hace meses o con la última beta.

Con la última beta:">

Con la versión de Play Store:">

Ésto no pasa con los mapas que vienen por defecto pero yo uso mapa con fotos de satélite que tienen nombres de las calles y demás, y no sé como hacer uno así con los mapas que vienen por defecto  :cry:

Otra cosa, al pulsar en las opciones de la barra roja de arriba las ventanas que se abren la tapan, esto no ocurre con la versión de Play Store, sino se tapase la barra sería más cómodo abrir las ventanas de las demás opciones:">

Gracias y un saludo.

EDITO: Los mapas creados (desde los online de Google) en la versión de Play Store sí salen centrados en la última beta.

Buenas, pásame por PM la configuración del mapa que usas; no debería pasar lo que comentas,



A mi también me pasó el finde, todo el rato siguiendo la ruta desplazada y mostrandome a mi también fuera de lugar. No probé de crear la ruta des de la versión estable.


Where can I find the setting for "Letter size of the waypoint name"?

It used to be in the" Tracks" settings, but it seems to be gone from the combined "Tracks/Routes" settings.

Without this setting, waypoint names are hard to read on high resolution screens.


Quote from: "steed"Where can I find the setting for "Letter size of the waypoint name"?

It used to be in the" Tracks" settings, but it seems to be gone from the combined "Tracks/Routes" settings.

Without this setting, waypoint names are hard to read on high resolution screens.


'settings--user interface--tracks'



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "steed"Where can I find the setting for "Letter size of the waypoint name"?

It used to be in the" Tracks" settings, but it seems to be gone from the combined "Tracks/Routes" settings.

Without this setting, waypoint names are hard to read on high resolution screens.


'settings--user interface--tracks'


Got it.



Not a new issue with the beta, but perhaps it is an opportunity to fix it.

Waypoints in the GPX exported by Oruxmaps include the "desc" field even when it is empty. When importing it to OSM with the Potlatch 2 editor, it created empty "desc" tags.

Empty tags, such as "desc", are a problem for OSM data, as all tags are expected to have a non-empty value.

Would it be possible to avoid adding empty "desc" entries to the GPS waypoints?