kml export - time data missing in placemarks

Started by tstreibl, January 04, 2021, 05:02:32 PM

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Hi Orux,

would it be possible to export the time information of the poi's to kml files as well? In the oruxmapstracks.db poitime already exists but non of the exported placemaks have a timestamp attribute. Especially for photo waypoits this might be cool. Additionally the time information would not be lost when reimporting those files to the oruxmaps app. Didn't check if other file formats like gpx show the same effekt.

When you go into the statistics and plot a track/route graph over time, all placemarks are shown on the start-time of the track/route. So time information of the poi's isn't used there, too.

Is there a special reason why the oruxmaps namespace xmlns:om=" is not moved to the kml tag at the beginning of the kml file where all the other namespaces are defined? This way it could be read as part of the namespace map. At the moment the orux namespace is defined in each ExtendedData tag.

In the when tags the timestamps are mixed between second and millisecond resolution within the same track. For me not a problem but I guess that's not intended?

Best regards, Tilo

P.S. my Oruxmaps Version is 8.1.6 GP