New beta version 8.2.x [CLOSED]

Started by orux, January 06, 2021, 03:44:31 PM

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Quote from: orux on April 16, 2021, 03:06:42 PM

In last versions the app is using a maximum tile size of 512px.

I guess it is the cause of what you see in different apps. The size greater than 512px, which the library chooses based on the pixel density of the screen, was causing problems with some things.

In the masforge map configuration (OruxMaps) you can change the scale factor, I don't know if changing it also modifies other things.

In the last beta I have left open again the option of sizes greater than 512px, possibly on your phone the display will be the same as other apps,
Thanks, that should be the culprit, as for my pixel density it should be somehting like 768px. The variable tile size is one thing that makes mapsforge maps great - exactly the same maps regardless of the device. With smaller tile sizes and everything else resized according to pixel density the maps get more cramped and themes don't work as they should. The scale factor helps with the latter, when use a scale factor smaller than 1, but then symbols and captions get too small to be legible.

But: with the beta15b the map still renders with too small tiles, something seems still to limit the tile size. 256px is the tile size for 160ppi displays, 512px for 320ppi, 768px for 480ppi etc.


Hello Orux,
thank you very much for the last beta - the possibility of saving the share map position intents is really a great feature.
Maybe you could add the possibility to manually sort these intents.
Another function could also be very useful:
Some websites use different coordinates (e.g. When you could save the EPSG code within the intent, oruxmaps could open the website with converted coordinates.

I also support this idea:
Quote from: paoloianes on April 12, 2021, 01:11:27 PM

1) BRouter draws the route only after pressing the "blue button". Thus, Brouter has to draw a very long route, which passes through all waypoints. It would be better if Brouter draws the route every time a waypoint is added.  In this way, Brouter could only calculate the route between the last two waypoints and if you wouldn't like the route, you could change the last entered waypoint immediately.

This 'instant routing' would be a great progress for planning tours as unwanted input or routing could easily be corrected.



+1 for the possibility to sort the intents and for specifying an EPSG code to use within the intent.
I would also ask for the possibility to add the heading as a parameter that can be passed to the intent. Some apps or web sites are accepting/expecting it.

Forgot to mention it: it my opinion 'Open another app in this position' should be the default option instead share as text.



Quote from: eartrumpet on April 16, 2021, 09:29:09 PM
Quote from: orux on April 16, 2021, 03:06:42 PM

In last versions the app is using a maximum tile size of 512px.

I guess it is the cause of what you see in different apps. The size greater than 512px, which the library chooses based on the pixel density of the screen, was causing problems with some things.

In the masforge map configuration (OruxMaps) you can change the scale factor, I don't know if changing it also modifies other things.

In the last beta I have left open again the option of sizes greater than 512px, possibly on your phone the display will be the same as other apps,
Thanks, that should be the culprit, as for my pixel density it should be somehting like 768px. The variable tile size is one thing that makes mapsforge maps great - exactly the same maps regardless of the device. With smaller tile sizes and everything else resized according to pixel density the maps get more cramped and themes don't work as they should. The scale factor helps with the latter, when use a scale factor smaller than 1, but then symbols and captions get too small to be legible.

But: with the beta15b the map still renders with too small tiles, something seems still to limit the tile size. 256px is the tile size for 160ppi displays, 512px for 320ppi, 768px for 480ppi etc.

I forgot add that you have to refresh the offline map list (offline maps list, top button bar), in order to the maps metadata will be recreated.



Quote from: Lenz on April 16, 2021, 09:45:51 PM
Hello Orux,
thank you very much for the last beta - the possibility of saving the share map position intents is really a great feature.
Maybe you could add the possibility to manually sort these intents.
Another function could also be very useful:
Some websites use different coordinates (e.g. When you could save the EPSG code within the intent, oruxmaps could open the website with converted coordinates.

I also support this idea:
Quote from: paoloianes on April 12, 2021, 01:11:27 PM

1) BRouter draws the route only after pressing the "blue button". Thus, Brouter has to draw a very long route, which passes through all waypoints. It would be better if Brouter draws the route every time a waypoint is added.  In this way, Brouter could only calculate the route between the last two waypoints and if you wouldn't like the route, you could change the last entered waypoint immediately.

This 'instant routing' would be a great progress for planning tours as unwanted input or routing could easily be corrected.
An example using the EPSG?



Quote from: orux on April 16, 2021, 06:53:36 PM
Quote from: Juanjo on April 16, 2021, 04:20:07 PM

gracias por la nueva beta. Tiene muy buena pinta eso de los 'custom intents' pero, al intentar añadir uno dándole al botón mas me dice 'You can not edit default intent'. Estoy haciendo algo mal?

También he visto esto que apareció unas cuantas betas atrás, no lo habia visto antes.

Quote from: orux on January 06, 2021, 03:44:31 PM
--new tool added to routes-->route tools (maybe it should be under map tools...): topographic cut. Requires DEM files. 

Lo he probado y me gusta bastante, ademas, ahora ya solo queda un paso para implementar esto ;) Las dos funcionalidades son muy parecidas.


Actualizada la beta, a ver ahora...

Actualizada beta.
Añadida la herramienta para mostrar zonas vistas entre dos puntos. A ver si funciona bien.
Cuántas veces tuve que hacerlo a mano en los viejos tiempos...



Hello Orux,

for example the coordinates for mount Zugspitze in WGS84 (EPSG 4326) are 47.4212142,10.9862969. Using these coordinates with OSM,, PeakFinder (app) work fine. But expects coordinates in UTM zone 32 N (EPSG 25832) - for Zugspitze 649815.998930,5253886.389265.
With the possibility to enter an EPSG code in the edit intent dialog, oruxmaps could convert the coordinates with the built in coordinate converter and start the intent with the expected coordinates. This could be optional when EPSG 4326 is used as standard.



Hola Orux,

funciona a las mil maravillas. Muchísimas gracias!!

Un ejemplo, para los que conozcan la zona, Naranjo de Bulnes (Picu Urriellu) visto desde Pandébano

Desde el lugar donde se deja el coche y empieza el camino que lleva al refugio que está en su base, no se ve: [1] [2]
Un poco mas lejos, desde el mismo collado de Pandébano, se ve la mitad superior de la pared norte: [3] [4]

Genial!! Gracias de nuevo.


Quote from: orux on April 18, 2021, 10:30:14 AM

I forgot add that you have to refresh the offline map list (offline maps list, top button bar), in order to the maps metadata will be recreated.

Thanks, now the maps look like expected :-D
What were the problems with tile sizes greater than 512px, so I can look out for it?


Quote from: orux on April 16, 2021, 03:01:43 PM
Quote from: YvanCB on April 14, 2021, 10:14:01 PM
It seems that the "order" in sort fonction is not saved in the "Manage Tracks/Routes" screen.
For exemple I would like to sorte tracks by name but in inverse order.
Is it possible?
Try with last beta, it should work fine, and save last sort order and/or inverse option.


I've forget to say that the new beta 15b solve my problem of sortering.
Thanks a lot! ;)



Hello Orux,
thank you very much for the quick implementation of EPSG codes and bounding boxes in the intents - it's a real great feature.
Just a small bug: You can't edit/delete the first entry in the list, so you have to move it down and then you can edit/delete it.

For those who are interested in examples for uri for saved intents:

PeakFinder (app): peakfinder://?lat={lat}&lng={lon}
Vespucci (app): josm:/load_and_zoom?left={minlon}&bottom={minlat}&right={maxlon}&top={maxlat} (website):{lat}&lng={lon} (website):,122&E={lon}&N={lat}&zoom=12{EPSG:25832} (I use a fix zoom factor as the zoom factor on bayernatlas is not equal to the zoom factor in oruxmaps (bayernatlas 10 equals to oruxmaps 15)


Hi Orux,

thank you for this new beta, EPSG codes and bounding boxes are indeed great additions to intents.

As I requested a few post above, would it be possible to add the heading as well? As an example where this can be useful, has an optional azi (azimut) parameter, when it's set  the panorama will open looking in that direction, otherwise it opens looking to the East.

About the EPSG code, it seems more natural to me to specify it on a dedicated field in the form, ideally a drop down list, instead of putting it in the intent url. When in the url it looks like the website/app (ie is expecting it as a parameter, which is not the case. I think that this may confuse users.

Finally, a small weirdness in the 'Seen Area' tool, not sure it is a bug: when entering 'Observer altitude', while typing on the keyboard the field is not updated, figures only appear in the field once the keyboard is closed.


Edit: one more thing, the two default intents, GEO and openstreetmap, has disapear from the menu.


Hello Orux,
another small bug:
As long as oruxmaps is not closed (only in the background), the order of the saved intents stays as manually sorted. After closing and restarting oruxmaps, the intents are listed in descending alphabetical order.

The removed intents:


Quote from: Lenz on April 21, 2021, 04:18:18 PM
Hello Orux,
thank you very much for the quick implementation of EPSG codes and bounding boxes in the intents - it's a real great feature.
Just a small bug: You can't edit/delete the first entry in the list, so you have to move it down and then you can edit/delete it.

For those who are interested in examples for uri for saved intents:

PeakFinder (app): peakfinder://?lat={lat}&lng={lon}
Vespucci (app): josm:/load_and_zoom?left={minlon}&bottom={minlat}&right={maxlon}&top={maxlat} (website):{lat}&lng={lon} (website):,122&E={lon}&N={lat}&zoom=12{EPSG:25832} (I use a fix zoom factor as the zoom factor on bayernatlas is not equal to the zoom factor in oruxmaps (bayernatlas 10 equals to oruxmaps 15)


A new beta added. The sort should remain between restarts.



Quote from: Juanjo on April 21, 2021, 05:39:22 PM
Hi Orux,

thank you for this new beta, EPSG codes and bounding boxes are indeed great additions to intents.

As I requested a few post above, would it be possible to add the heading as well? As an example where this can be useful, has an optional azi (azimut) parameter, when it's set  the panorama will open looking in that direction, otherwise it opens looking to the East.

About the EPSG code, it seems more natural to me to specify it on a dedicated field in the form, ideally a drop down list, instead of putting it in the intent url. When in the url it looks like the website/app (ie is expecting it as a parameter, which is not the case. I think that this may confuse users.

Finally, a small weirdness in the 'Seen Area' tool, not sure it is a bug: when entering 'Observer altitude', while typing on the keyboard the field is not updated, figures only appear in the field once the keyboard is closed.


Edit: one more thing, the two default intents, GEO and openstreetmap, has disapear from the menu.

The EPSG code; it is a problem in a dropdown (there are thousands of possible values).

In an additional field also a problem, users will not know what it means, or what it is for.

Most likely, users will use Intents that you publish those who know about this ;)

With the new option to export/import the Intents it will be easier.
