New beta version 8.2.x [CLOSED]

Started by orux, January 06, 2021, 03:44:31 PM

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Hello Orux,
the results of the "measure distances" (along route) disappear within less than a second in RC2 (and also in 8.1.10 GP), so one can't read all three results. A solution could be that it disappears when touching either the bubble or the map.



Hello Orux,

I would like to known if there will be a way to use the futur 8.5 final version without Googl Play Store installed on my smartphone.
I can pay for your wonderful software but I don't want to install Google Play Store.
I try to "ungooglelize" my smartphone.
I don't really like Goggle and the way they use our personal datas.




I tried to change the default directory for GraphHopper : "Internal memory" ==> "SD Card".
All other folder are OK, they are now on my SD Card but impossible to do the same for GraphHopper:

Any body have en idea?


Update 5/8/2021:
I have find a solution : I used one more time the "Migrate to Ext SD" function =》It seems to be OK.
We'll see in the future...


Quote from: YvanCB on July 31, 2021, 11:03:36 PM
Hello Orux,

I would like to known if there will be a way to use the futur 8.5 final version without Googl Play Store installed on my smartphone.
I can pay for your wonderful software but I don't want to install Google Play Store.
I try to "ungooglelize" my smartphone.
I don't really like Goggle and the way they use our personal datas.



OruxMaps ya está disponible en la app store de Amazon


Hello Agus,
OK, I can buy Oruxmaps on Amazon but will it work on my phone without Play Store on it?
I the past I had an issue with something around the licence control...


Quote from: Lenz on July 26, 2021, 01:23:43 PM
Hello Orux,
the results of the "measure distances" (along route) disappear within less than a second in RC2 (and also in 8.1.10 GP), so one can't read all three results. A solution could be that it disappears when touching either the bubble or the map.

I will add that information to the bottom text box.



Quote from: YvanCB on August 01, 2021, 11:09:45 PM
Hello Agus,
OK, I can buy Oruxmaps on Amazon but will it work on my phone without Play Store on it?
I the past I had an issue with something around the licence control...
It should work without Google Play.



Quote from: orux on August 02, 2021, 01:35:54 PM
Quote from: Lenz on July 26, 2021, 01:23:43 PM
Hello Orux,
the results of the "measure distances" (along route) disappear within less than a second in RC2 (and also in 8.1.10 GP), so one can't read all three results. A solution could be that it disappears when touching either the bubble or the map.

I will add that information to the bottom text box.


Hi Orux,

when you implement this change  - would it be possible to take into consideration? It's only a small but very helpful enhancement to the "measure distance (along route) feature. Juanjo might be happy, too. :).

Best regards, Tilo


Hello Orux,
maybe it's possible to address the problem I mention in my post
that for the new high resolution 0.5" DTM for Austria [DTM Austria 0.5" v2 by Sonny], OruxMaps does not indicate elevation on the dashboard [Elevation (DTM)/Höhe (DTM) shows "--- m"] for these 0.5" .hgt-tiles, while elevation for neighboring 1" hgt-tiles is correctly displayed.
Likewise, creating a track by hand yields waypoints with elevation 0.
Regards, Wolfgang


I can't use map/ozf2 (OzieExplorer maps) in new beta 8.5.
Is it bug or new-feature?


Quote from: tstreibl on August 02, 2021, 05:41:56 PM
Quote from: orux on August 02, 2021, 01:35:54 PM
Quote from: Lenz on July 26, 2021, 01:23:43 PM
Hello Orux,
the results of the "measure distances" (along route) disappear within less than a second in RC2 (and also in 8.1.10 GP), so one can't read all three results. A solution could be that it disappears when touching either the bubble or the map.

I will add that information to the bottom text box.


Hi Orux,

when you implement this change  - would it be possible to take into consideration? It's only a small but very helpful enhancement to the "measure distance (along route) feature. Juanjo might be happy, too. :) .

Best regards, Tilo
I will work with that feature in the next to the next version,


Quote from: abel1 on August 04, 2021, 10:01:58 AM
Hello Orux,
maybe it's possible to address the problem I mention in my post
that for the new high resolution 0.5" DTM for Austria [DTM Austria 0.5" v2 by Sonny], OruxMaps does not indicate elevation on the dashboard [Elevation (DTM)/Höhe (DTM) shows "--- m"] for these 0.5" .hgt-tiles, while elevation for neighboring 1" hgt-tiles is correctly displayed.
Likewise, creating a track by hand yields waypoints with elevation 0.
Regards, Wolfgang
Problem solved for the next version, I did not know that there were such accurate versions



Quote from: waldek222 on August 04, 2021, 06:04:42 PM
I can't use map/ozf2 (OzieExplorer maps) in new beta 8.5.
Is it bug or new-feature?
The same ozf2 maps that work in previous versions (released vertsions) of the app should work.



I have updated the Basque (eu) translation with the missing bits. Ready for the 8.5 version!


I'm testing 8.5.0RC5 and migrate to SD card does not work.

When I press START it seems to work and says that the migration was successful, but actually only a few of the folders have moved, the tracklogs and mapfiles folders have not been moved (and they're the big ones that I really want to move). Then it asks me if I want to delete the files on the internal storage, if I press yes it just seems to get stuck forever with a spinning icon, when I check in a file manager none of the files are being deleted. I then have to force close Orux Maps.

If I copy the files to the /oruxmaps folder on the SD card manually and change the locations of the directories in the App Storage settings page, Orux Maps just ignores these and uses the folders in the internal storage anyway. For example if I move the tracklogs folder to the SD card and change the directory to the SD card, when I go to the track manager it is blank and a new blank oruxmapstracks.db file is created in the internal storage/oruxmaps/tracklogs folder. If I move the tracklogs back from the SD card to the internal storage, my track reappear even though the setting still says it's using the SD card.