New beta version 8.5.x [CLOSED]

Started by orux, October 21, 2021, 01:08:06 PM

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I'm sorry but I don't understand what is the No-go radius (km).
Can you try to explain this function?




You can set no-go points to tell brouter to avoid certain areas when planning a route (e.g. construction sites, restricted areas, the house of your mother-in-law ...). The no-go radius defines the size of this area around the point you create by touching the button with the brick wall. In beta 20 the size of the no-go area is visualize by a gray circle with the no-go radius.

Thank you for fixing the bugs with the sections list and the no-go circle so quickly!


Thank you!
I don't think I will use this function.


Quote from: YvanCB on February 14, 2022, 10:09:58 PM
I don't think I will use this function.

But wait till you have a mother-in-law!  ;)


I installed the new beta21 on a Samsumg A32 (Android11) without precedented versions.
Downloaded Maps, Styles, Dem and everything works fine.
But I can't record tracks because app working in the background and its addition to not optimize apps are exclusive!
So or works in backgroud or not optimized!

In the past on the same phone when I installed 8.5.5beta18 as an update of 8.5.3beta8b this did not happen
Unfortunately I had to remove the 8.5.5beta18 and try to install directly the 8.5.5beta20 and now I have
the problem :'(


Quote from: ut on February 23, 2022, 07:50:06 PM
I installed the new beta21 on a Samsumg A32 (Android11) without precedented versions.
Downloaded Maps, Styles, Dem and everything works fine.
But I can't record tracks because app working in the background and its addition to not optimize apps are exclusive!
So or works in backgroud or not optimized!

In the past on the same phone when I installed 8.5.5beta18 as an update of 8.5.3beta8b this did not happen
Unfortunately I had to remove the 8.5.5beta18 and try to install directly the 8.5.5beta20 and now I have
the problem :'(
They are independent settings.

The app can be 'not optimized' (battery related) and you can allow it to access location in the background.

In fact, to record only the latter is necessary. You can leave the app as optimized (with the risk that Android stops it at some point) and record your routes, if you give permission to access location in the background. You will only see a notice that warns you that it is better 'not optimized'.

Not sure why you say that both are exclusive.



It will be nice if the new beta add the future for the users of android 10 and lower to have
1. during at first run the option to install the working folder at location /storage/emulated/0/android/data/
just like the android 11 users
2. inside the settings the same option for later to move the working folder of orux - all with one click

both options for internal memory or sd card


Quote from: orux on February 24, 2022, 11:39:44 AM
They are independent settings.

The app can be 'not optimized' (battery related) and you can allow it to access location in the background.

In fact, to record only the latter is necessary. You can leave the app as optimized (with the risk that Android stops it at some point) and record your routes, if you give permission to access location in the background. You will only see a notice that warns you that it is better 'not optimized'.

Not sure why you say that both are exclusive.


Hi Orux, your clear words have allowed me to solve the problem!! Thanks ;D
My right setting are:

  • app running in background
  • app acces the gps always (NOT only during use)
  • battery setting: app optmized, but  never suspended during background use

So I get a notice that warns that it is better 'not optimized', but I ignore it and app records my
route perfectly!  ;D

Perhaps it might be useful to rember this setting in a welcome screen or in the configuration screens.

Thank you very much for your great work and your Kindess!



I tried the beta (8.5.5 beta 21) just to know if the migration will be smooth and to try all the other features.
Everything fine for the migration to the android/data folder.  I have access to that folder with the solid explorer app .., so... no biggie.

I have both oruxmaps GP (pointing to the classic oruxmaps folder) and the beta.    My phone is a xiaomi MI 11 lite with android 12

I noticed that when opening the beta the maps is not showing up immediately like in the GP version. (first screenshot) but shows up only with a little pinch or zoom on the map. (screenshot 2)

The map is Openandromaps - Italy (2.28 GB)


You are sure that the beta version is looking for the good Map Directory (the folder where is stored your Openandromaps files for Italy)?


Quote from: YvanCB on February 27, 2022, 06:50:02 PM
You are sure that the beta version is looking for the good Map Directory (the folder where is stored your Openandromaps files for Italy)?

yes... in attachment...


Quote from: Haldo on February 27, 2022, 10:37:18 AM
I noticed that when opening the beta the maps is not showing up immediately like in the GP version. (first screenshot) but shows up only with a little pinch or zoom on the map. (screenshot 2)

The map is Openandromaps - Italy (2.28 GB)

After this little pinch, the map is always visible?
No more problems?



Quote from: YvanCB on February 28, 2022, 05:38:08 AM
After this little pinch, the map is always visible?
No more problems?


yes no problem after that


Hola, tengo un medidor de potencia Bluetooth / ANT+, es un XCADEY XPOWER-S ( estoy contento con él por sobre todo por su precio, muy barato comparado con otros potenciómetros del mercado.
Conectado a través de ANT+ funciona correctamente, aunque creo (no se si hago algo mal) que la cadencia que también la mide ese potenciómetro no consigo que se muestre, pero casi que me da igual pues uso un medidor de cadencia que ya tenía.
El problema es que a través de Bluetooth cuando busco selecciono el potenciómetro no se queda guardado, he probado con Oruxmaps 8.5.5beta25 o desde OruxMaps v.8.5.5 GP, en ambos casos con XIAOMI Android 12 MIUI 12 y 13 (he probado con dos teléfonos diferentes).
Prefiero usar Bluetooth por no tener que poner en el teléfono el adaptador USB ANT+, que se que acabaré perdiéndolo, pues la bicicleta donde lo uso es una MTB.

Si alguien me pudiera ayudar lo agradecería.

Y por cierto muchas gracias Orux por tu trabajo, no comprendo por que no hay más personas que usen tu aplicación, pues es una pasada.


Quote from: jose.h on March 12, 2022, 02:17:14 PM
Hola, tengo un medidor de potencia Bluetooth / ANT+, es un XCADEY XPOWER-S ( estoy contento con él por sobre todo por su precio, muy barato comparado con otros potenciómetros del mercado.
Conectado a través de ANT+ funciona correctamente, aunque creo (no se si hago algo mal) que la cadencia que también la mide ese potenciómetro no consigo que se muestre, pero casi que me da igual pues uso un medidor de cadencia que ya tenía.
El problema es que a través de Bluetooth cuando busco selecciono el potenciómetro no se queda guardado, he probado con Oruxmaps 8.5.5beta25 o desde OruxMaps v.8.5.5 GP, en ambos casos con XIAOMI Android 12 MIUI 12 y 13 (he probado con dos teléfonos diferentes).
Prefiero usar Bluetooth por no tener que poner en el teléfono el adaptador USB ANT+, que se que acabaré perdiéndolo, pues la bicicleta donde lo uso es una MTB.

Si alguien me pudiera ayudar lo agradecería.

Y por cierto muchas gracias Orux por tu trabajo, no comprendo por que no hay más personas que usen tu aplicación, pues es una pasada.

Hola de nuevo, finalmente he visto lo que me pasaba, el problema es que al seleccionar desde sensores el sensor de potencia Bluetooth, seleccionarlo, "aparentemente" no queda guardado (no se ve la mac address), pero si que queda almacenado. Adjunto imagen donde se ve lo que comento, en ese momento ya se ha seleccionado el potenciómetro.