Bad Elf Pro+ with 10Hz data

Started by m32825, November 14, 2021, 03:31:05 AM

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I use OruxMaps to navigate when boating. Some of the paths I take have many turns. I have been getting by with my phone's 1Hz update rate, but the latency is annoying when making turns and the map orientation lags. I decided to try faster data from the Bad Elf Pro+, which has to be configured for 600 data points per minute.

I use the Android app "GPS Connector" by PilaBlu (Markus Hoffman) to provide mock location data. It can read both Bluetooth and USB data from the Pro+ and it has a window that lets one see NMEA strings. I started with Bluetooth and saw position fixes at 0.9s intervals, I think Bluetooth is throttling somehow, perhaps due to limited bandwidth? I switched over to USB and now see them at 0.1s intervals.

Some settings need to be changed to get the benefit of 10Hz data:

    Global Settings -> User Interface -> Miscellaneous UI -> Move the map instantly
    Global Settings -> User Interface -> Miscellaneous UI -> Maximum render speed
    Global Settings -> Sensor -> GPS ->  Minimum Time = 0
Global Settings -> Sensor -> GPS ->  Minimum Distance = 0

The display has a little more jitter to it but that beats an additional second of latency when you're following a complex path and need to know what's next.

Because of the high data rate I do not try to record a track, just observe location and TMG relative to the kml overlay that shows my planned route.

If anyone knows how to get 10Hz data using a Bluetooth connection I would like to know how you did it. Thanks!

    -- Carl


Settings used with the GPS Connector app for USB connection: generic chip, 115200 baud