Vocal Navigation Directions on track

Started by G_flow, April 25, 2022, 12:09:48 PM

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Hello, is it possible to load a track and get vocal directions while following it? For example, turn left, right, etc.


Unfortunately, at this moment it is not possible to have voice directions when you load a track (a series of GPS points without waypoints) and not a route (a series of GPS points with waypoints that can be followed) because the voice directions are created by waypoints.
In my opinion there are two workarounds:
1) manually add the correct waypoints (turn right, turn left, etc.) into the track;
2) load the track on the display and with the tool "draw route" retrace it by hand point by point. Brouter will create a route with the appropriate waypoints. There is no possibility to automatically convert a track into a route.


Quote from: paoloianes on April 27, 2022, 12:35:59 AM
There is no possibility to automatically convert a track into a route.

from the list of tracks - long tap - load as route into the map.

Anyway if there are not waypoints the navigation is not possible. But you can add them. Long tap on the route - add waypoint.

You have to check the menu - text to speech/sound - and check waypoints and track/routes options



If I add a waypoint to a route, is every time I'll open the route, its waypoint will automatically opens as well?


A día de hoy si es posible tanto en Oruxmaps GP 9.0 como en las betas RC3.
Tenemos la opción de convertir cualquier track en uno creado por Brouter con los indicadores de giro correspondiente.
En propiedades del track encontraremos un botón llamado coincidencias Brouter.
Este botón hace la magia, pruebenlo!!

Cómo otra alternativa pueden usar Brouter web, aquí les dejo una guía para ello



@Tronpo: you are right!
The very best feature in betas 9.0: now you can transform a trace into a route!
Thank you Orux for all the centuries to come!