New beta version 9.X betaxxxx [CLOSED]

Started by orux, May 11, 2022, 03:34:31 AM

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After 9.x seems to start to stabilize, we can start with new things:

--minor changes
--bug fixes

--minor changes
--bug fixes

--bug fixes

--bug fixes

--bug fixes

--bug fixes

--bug fixes
--route search with brouter/graphhopper offline. Now you can change the profile during route search and add segments with different profiles.

--custom track types (when you create a track, and select the typoe, there a new option to create your own types)
--select folders inside main folders inside private storage. If you migrated all your data to the app privvate folders, now you can use different folders, for example with dem files.
--hdr files, suppor to overlaped files. If the elevation is not available in a file, it will try to find that data in other hdr files.
--add custom datums. Configuration-->maps-->Datums manager.



9.0.1beta1 allows me again to load a *.gpx, which is stored on GoogleDrive or Dropbox.
But an *.gpx, which i have in a WhatsApp chat, still leads to an "Error loading route!" message.



The problem with black areas (RC 3 + OpenAndroMaps + hillshading) seems to be solved in 9.0.1 beta 1.


Thanks to all;
Updated, trying to solve the opening the links from Drive or Whatsapp.
Added a button in the dialog with WMS getfeatureinfo that opens external web browser, for links not managed by the webview.



9.0.1beta2 on my Android11:
Now it opens a *.gpx only from GoogleDrive, not from WhatsApp or Dropbox.


Hello @ all:

I also can confirm that the bug with black/white tiles when using mbiltes-maps and hillshading is solved in 9.0.1beta1. Thank you so much, Orux!


Quote from: matt on May 11, 2022, 08:15:04 PM
9.0.1beta2 on my Android11:
Now it opens a *.gpx only from GoogleDrive, not from WhatsApp or Dropbox.

Import .gpx from WhatsApp does not work (It worked in previous versions). So I use this little trick:

manage tracks - import new tracks - gpx/kml/... - browse in:
yourphone/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Document/Private (if you received the .gpx or Sent if you sent)
and then tap the desired .gpx

It is a long way, but it works. ;D


Quote from: ut on May 15, 2022, 11:01:37 AM
Import .gpx from WhatsApp does not work (It worked in previous versions). So I use this little trick:

manage tracks - import new tracks - gpx/kml/... - browse in:
yourphone/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Document/Private (if you received the .gpx or Sent if you sent)
and then tap the desired .gpx

It is a long way, but it works. ;D
Correcto,de esta manera también podemos apreciar como el archivo no tiene la extensión gpx de hay el problema.
Otro truco talvez más sencillo ,es reenviar ese gpx de WhatsApp a telegram por ejemplo,podréis comprobar que en telegram se abre sin problema.


Quote from: Tronpo on May 16, 2022, 11:17:02 AM
Correcto,de esta manera también podemos apreciar como el archivo no tiene la extensión gpx de hay el problema.
Otro truco talvez más sencillo ,es reenviar ese gpx de WhatsApp a telegram por ejemplo,podréis comprobar que en telegram se abre sin problema.


En breve publicaré una beta que debe volver a capturar bien los gpx desde Whatsapp, para no tener que ir a buscarlos a la carpeta donde los guarda...



Quote from: orux on May 16, 2022, 05:50:08 PM

En breve publicaré una beta que debe volver a capturar bien los gpx desde Whatsapp, para no tener que ir a buscarlos a la carpeta donde los guarda...

Publicada beta, a ver si podemos con los últimos problemas...



Quote from: orux on May 16, 2022, 07:44:40 PM
Publicada beta, a ver si podemos con los últimos problemas...

Hola Orux!!
Demomento todo funciona en esta última Beta!!
Whatsapp/Drive información de frecuencia cardíaca en gpx/tcx ,anomalías en la edición de WMTS corregidas etc

Felicidades por tu esfuerzo 💪🏼!!
Seguimos en ruta!!


9.0.2beta1: tapping a *.gpx in WhatsApp/Signal/GoogleDrive/Dropbox, selecting Oruxbeta to open it with, loads the track now successfully.


Hi all

why my Oruxmaps still on version 8.5.5

Quote from: orux on May 11, 2022, 03:34:31 AM

The new version 9.0 is in progressive release, but there are some complex bugs to solve, that's why I'm launching this beta, to see if I catch them.

Update to beta1 (9.0.2 vers.):
-->Let's see if we solve the problem with tracks shared by Whatsapp!

-->Fix problem with heart rate data in gpx/tcx

Update to beta2:
-->Fix problem when importing orux_intents
-->Fix problem openning images from remote folders using Map calibrator tool.



Quote from: skyhark on May 18, 2022, 12:00:22 AM
Hi all

why my Oruxmaps still on version 8.5.5

The update is progressive (and slow), it is at 30%.

Once the last problems are solved, it will reach 100%



Hello , a little thing with 9.0.2beta3:
when I import  a GPX file into the database the new entry has a strange name. For example "Track_1639850099214".

Before, the new entry had the same name that the  imported file:
File name = "abcd.gpx" gave an entry called "abcd".
Is it possible to have this function again?
ps:I remember the same problem with 8.5.x, then solved...