how to import geotagged photos as photo waypoint?

Started by deBabba, June 08, 2022, 10:14:44 AM

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Hi guys, I am using OruxMaps since many years and really appreciate the new Version 9 which is a major update.  8)

I was always looking for a way to import photos with included geolocation taken with another camera into a photo waypoint by using the location from the photo. After that export the track including all waypoints together into a KMZ file to be used in Google Earth.

There is a new feature in Version 9 which is:

  • - Import geotagged pictures to your waypoints list

Hopefully this feature could help, but I could not find a way how to use it, not in the manual nor in the forum   :-\
Maybe I'm  kind of blind  ::)

Any help or tipp is welcome, thanks in advance


Quote from: deBabba on June 08, 2022, 10:14:44 AM
Hi guys, I am using OruxMaps since many years and really appreciate the new Version 9 which is a major update.  8)

I was always looking for a way to import photos with included geolocation taken with another camera into a photo waypoint by using the location from the photo. After that export the track including all waypoints together into a KMZ file to be used in Google Earth.

There is a new feature in Version 9 which is:

  • - Import geotagged pictures to your waypoints list

Hopefully this feature could help, but I could not find a way how to use it, not in the manual nor in the forum   :-\
Maybe I'm  kind of blind  ::)

Any help or tipp is welcome, thanks in advance

Hola! Realmente es muy sencillo,por ejemplo desde la misma galería de Android,marcas la foto y das a la opción de compartir,en el cajón de aplicación elijes Oruxmaps y listo,ya puedes crear el Waypoints con la foto.
Otra opción es cargar las fotos desde Oruxmaps, desde cargar capa,te mueves atravez del gestor de archivos hasta la foto  y la seleccionas.
Te dejo un ejemplo 👇

Pd con las versiones anteriores también se podía crear un Waypoints apartir de una foto georreferenciada.


Quote from: deBabba on June 08, 2022, 10:14:44 AM
Hi guys, I am using OruxMaps since many years and really appreciate the new Version 9 which is a major update.  8)

I was always looking for a way to import photos with included geolocation taken with another camera into a photo waypoint by using the location from the photo. After that export the track including all waypoints together into a KMZ file to be used in Google Earth.

There is a new feature in Version 9 which is:

  • - Import geotagged pictures to your waypoints list

Hopefully this feature could help, but I could not find a way how to use it, not in the manual nor in the forum   :-\
Maybe I'm  kind of blind  ::)

Any help or tipp is welcome, thanks in advance

Disculpa anteriormente entendí mal tu pregunta.
En el gestor de Waypoints pulsa el icono de Waypoints +, (abajo el segundo por la derecha) se abrirá el gestor de archivos,puedes navegar hasta donde tengas tu foto y cargarla.
Te adjunto captura
En rojo tienes marcado el icono
En un recuadro amarillo una foto añadida anteriormente.
