POI Overlay in OruxMaps 7.0.12 on Android 4.4.2

Started by matt, May 25, 2017, 05:35:09 AM

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in the german speaking part of the OpenAndroMaps forum, various users can not show the resulting list of a POI offline search, as POI overlay in the map. Instead, either OruxMaps crashes or simply the map is shown again.

Common factor seem to be Android 4.4.2 with OruxMaps 7.0.10/7.0.12.

On Android 5 or 6.0.1 devices all POIs show nicely up as XML-overlay.



Quote from: "matt"Hi,

in the german speaking part of the OpenAndroMaps forum, various users can not show the resulting list of a POI offline search, as POI overlay in the map. Instead, either OruxMaps crashes or simply the map is shown again.

Common factor seem to be Android 4.4.2 with OruxMaps 7.0.10/7.0.12.

On Android 5 or 6.0.1 devices all POIs show nicely up as XML-overlay.



may be a native bug with spatialite libraries, because I don't receive java bugs,



First of all, thanks for great app, I've been using it already several years.

Now, I'm writing because of this problem which is still not resolved in latest version 7.2.1.

Could you add option that after search ALL resulting POI's can be added to waypoints and from there filtered for display? At the moment this is possible only after selecting each resulting POI separately with "Create Wpt". This way maybe it could be possible to show these waypoints on the map on some overlay that actually works in Android 4, instead on POI overlay which doesn't. For example, waypoint are shown correctly in drawing overlay. Or maybe better solution would be to add these resulting POI's to drawing overlay, on Android 4 devices.


I would like to second this. I've just started using my new (several years in some warehouse I guess) Xperia Z1 Compact. It can be upgraded to Android 5.1, but that destroys the charging in a way that I cannot power it with my B&M USB-Werk anymore. I'm therefore stuck with the official Android 4.4 firmware (don't wanna custom ROM right now), but that has the POI marker bug.