Beginner needs help

Started by NicPrussik, August 17, 2017, 11:32:27 AM

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Hi there

For about 3 months now I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to use the app. Now I have managed to kinda use it to do tracks, take photos and name waypoints, so far so good.

I have uploaded the information to oroxmaps ..... but how on earth do I access my account on a PC? Thru the web? I have no idea and can't find a button or anything to access "my account". I hope I am not just being simple here, but i just can't see where i may access my account from the home page.

A search on Google says that there is a desk top version of Orux maps. Where do I down load this from? DO I need this installed to actually access my uploaded information?

Please help!!

Next post will be why I can create maps, and never find them again on my mobile phone, but we will leave that for another day!



I don't think this is the right board for this question?

For some infos orux has put much work into the manual:">

Generally I use one of the other provided Online -Services for my workouts.

It's much more convenient, expecially if you also use a gps or get track from other people and devices.

I use Velohero, because it has no ads or subscription-type donations.

Also it works with tapiriik.

The tracks are accessible on the app:

For the account, I hoped it saves my Settings for switching devices.

The tracks are accesible through the tracks page:

See oruxmanual on page 68 (pdf page 69).

Click on your profile picture and then you can search for (your) tracks.